Site Update: 7/28/13 [l-col] Everybody having a good July so far? Hopefully staying cool from the summer heat by playing some Halo. Now that the small talk is out of the way let's get to the news. For the past few weeks some of you might have noticed the front page of this site was down for maintenance. As of last week, however, we can proudly say that the home page is now up and looking better than ever. It is also important to understand that our home page is still, very much, a work in progress. We'll add to it and continue to make it look as good as we can make it. To see a walkthrough of the new front page go HERE[/l-col] [r-col][/r-col] In other news, DUST-UP MAP PACK is here! Some of the most impressive maps from the Dust-Up Map submission contest all in one collection for your Halo playing pleasure. These are the maps that will be used in the upcoming Dust-Up Tournament so get used to playing on them while you can. There were so many good submissions that have been deliberated on by two separate groups of staff so just know these maps have been carefully scrutinized for the best competitive gameplay experiences. There are also some structural changes that have happened with the boards. The customs lobby is no longer its own board. Now testing lobbies and custom game lobbies can be posted in the "Works In Progress", or WIP board, along with map previews. This will give members a more fluid experience to see what maps are coming up and run tests on those maps. Staff Changes No major staff upheaval this time. Instead, we have added The Fated Fire to our ranks. Fated is another very active member in the Halo forging community, so make sure you give me a big hello when you see him in the trenches, testing maps and playing games. Events Do you like Dominion? Do you like making Dominion maps? Do you like winning awesome prizes? Check out the details HERE. You can submit your dominion maps HERE. Best of luck to everyone who takes part in the contest. Remember, we want your feedback here. If you have an event idea don't feel shy to suggest it here. We also aren't against members running their own contests. We'll even plug it here if your competition keeps within reasonable standards of professionalism. Community Still going strong is The Circle of Jerks. This group holds lobbies to test your maps and will give you some of the most honest feedback you'll ever hear (whether you want to hear it or not). Check them out in the custom games board or visit TCOJ here. Fated's Competitive Forge Testing Lobby Our new staffer Fated is bringing his Halo Forge Lobby from The Halo Council here for the benefit of all of our members. Drop by his thread HERE and sign up for a testing session today! These two groups are not the only groups in town. Feel free to schedule your own games here. We'd love to see you out there and play on your maps. Maybe your creation will be the next hit. Social Media We have big plans for our social media outlets as well. Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook. We will have more news about this soon but check out our Youtube Channel and subscribe to it because we will start churning out content there as well like map features, weekly shows, and more. Hidden Gem Submissions from the last Site Update for the Caption Contest are now over, the staff will decide which caption was the best and next site update the winner will be announced, (not that we have a lot of submissions to decide over). Anyway, bringing back the Hidden Gem has been well overdue. Hidden Gem's are maps within our database that did not receive the critical acclaim of a feature or forge hub favorite. They are awesome maps that deserve a chance in the spotlight. The Hidden Gem for this week is... Dreamer's Folly by Insanmiac The map is an awesome infection map with great aesthetic flare while being very well balanced toward both infected and human players. Give the map a download HERE. Didn't like what you read? Feel free to give feedback about this article in the front page feedback thread