Sandbox Sircewtory

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kanvus, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. Kanvus

    Kanvus Ancient
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    HEY HEY! So this is Sircewtory, a circle shaped map with a.... guess what.. another circle inside it! amazing.. I was influenced by an amazing map from Halo 2 named Warlock, I know it was also in Halo 1 but I just canny remember what the name of it was.
    Sircewtory < Download link

    Anyway this is a rather small but fun map, team based games do work on it but I would say free for all games are much more enjoyable. This map IS symmetrical so team games would be even. Sircewtory is built in the Crypt of Sandbox, the blue light in the map is purely to brighten it dew to one of the bases having a very dark corner.
    Gametypes that are supported are : FFA and TEAM oddball : FFA and TEAM koth : FFA and TEAM slayer

    Battle Rifle - 4
    SMG - 2
    Magnum - 1
    Plasma pistol - 1
    Covenant Carbine - 2
    Brute Shot - 1
    Energy Sword - 1
    Plasma Grenade - 5
    Frag Grenade - 3
    Power Drain - 1
    Regenerator - 1

    Note:- the hills in the bases have been improved so you do not have to jump up to get into the hill...
    YouTube - Halo 3 Competitive Map - Sircewtory
    Thank you to Akklay for making this video. If anyone would like a video made for their maps just msg Akklay on XBL and he will make you one!
    (also for me I have to watch it in 480p for some reason yet other people I've asked it doesn't matter, so if the vid doesn't work for you just change it it 480p and it will magically work!)

    Now for some screenshots -->


    Side Overview

    Views of the bases

    The Middle Section
    the middle platform in this pic (below) is wonky but the pic above shows that I have straightened it.

    Action Shots!

    That'll do.. Okay so I hope you enjoy my map as much as I have.

    Thanks to all the testers (in no particular order) :> W0r1dz Ab1aZe : Chainsaw Paul : Dannys Prophecy : Apocalypsb16 : WACKYwells and special thanks to Akklay (for testing and making the video)

    Sircewtory < Download link
    #1 Kanvus, Jun 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010
  2. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    Interesting choice to only used blue columns and blue light. I like the arches around the sword. I am concerned however that people will only stay on the elevated path.
  3. Kanvus

    Kanvus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This doesn't happen as much as you think it would, this may be because you are more vulnerable when on the top level as you are more visible than players on ground level.
  4. LOVEbuzz

    LOVEbuzz Forerunner

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    pretty good map. I like the energy sword spawn, the arches look really cool. the video made laugh.. pirates of caribbean theme? lol
  5. Snipemare

    Snipemare Forerunner

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    Looks like a very good FFA map. It could be really good if you make an MLG version of it as it could be good for BR warmups!( just a suggestion )
    Forged-well: 9/10
    Competativity: 10/10
    All-Around: 10/10
    Add me on S 2tha nipemare im in the process of finishing a Foundry 1v1 map if you would like to test it with me..
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Enjoyment, though never easy to assess, is quite challenging to gauge on Sircewtory. This map does show signs of an enjoyable time, but ultimately, it is lacking. The map geometry does not provide the tactful gameplay that would be expected from a competitive map. Sicewtory's play styles becomes less competitive and more chaotic and random as the game progresses. Most of the structures are in credibly thin and narrow. Structures on the map are actually small and only provide cover. It makes the map feel like less like a singular creation and more like objects that are placed. Though the placement was not bad for the most part, the objects were some what useless and unnatural. Walkways and ramps had similar size issues. Simply put, bigger walkways and ramps are needed for solid gameplay. This attributes to the flawed paths throughout the map. On top of these errors, a poorly done spawn system is seen. Constant spawn killing occurred. Weapons and equipment left players wanting more. Though full of potential, Sircewtory has below average gameplay.



    Sircewtory ic completely symmetrical, so technically it somewhat balance, but overall it is not. Flow is iffy even for this circular movement. Competitive gameplay relies on player movement. Strafing, a way to move in combat, creates more dynamic scenarios, but narrow paths restricts this. Elevated walkways are also assumed to give an advantage over lower areas. However, these walkways lack the advantage of cover due to the extra narrowness. This makes each area with this problem dangerous and unattractive. There are three ares that do not have this problem, the two bases and the bottom level. However, the bases are too isolated to offer any real gameplay. Routes on Sircewtory are not well throughout. The top is unusually untraveled and the bottom is constantly trafficked . Fundamentally, some paths have different advantages and disadvantages than other paths, but in the scheme of things, the differences and small map style causes a weird, random play style. Weapon spacing was incredibly low. Players were hard pressed to find a more useful weapon than the default. The only option was the center where the sword and needler spawned. More interesting gameplay would be insured if a more dynamic weapon layout was constructed.



    As far as I'm concerned, the map is completely durable. It is inescapable and the lifts work well which is something that is often a problem. Though with it's own issues, the spawn system could not be exploited in any way.



    Though not soaring into the excellent, Sircewtory does offer some interesting and well done aesthetics. The outer walls of the map as well as the inner-workings are constructed well and are ultimately appealing to the eye. The map also provides a center structure that gives an overall awareness throughout the map. It helps identify your relative position. For the most part it is well built, but there are a few errors.



    The map's circular shape and inner circle is refreshing to see after playing map after map that is rectangle. However, it's been done before many times. There are unique walkways and structures, but you even say the design is greatly inspired by Wizard/Warlock. There is much evidence from it and this arena style doesn't bring anything new to the table.


    Enjoyment: 2/10
    Balance: 4/10
    Durability: 10/10
    Aesthetics: 7.5/10
    Originality: 6/10

    Overall: 28.5/50

  7. Kanvus

    Kanvus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the review, a lot!
    Your comments will defiantly help if I choose to make a v2.. I'm thinking I may do.
    I think I agree with you about the pathways being too narrow and having no cover, I now have a crypt stacked canvas so a bigger and better version is now possible.
    I am also looking at this thread about how to use spawns correctly so hopefully v2's spawns shall be better.
    Once again thank you.
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    My friend, you will get two reviews and i get to embarass Scope for apparently not knowing how to grenade jump OR buddy jump, or simply not testing the map. JK i know youre better than that... but still! Anyway, you are gonna get another in-depth review kanvas. Ill do my best to point out things that Scope didnt, so that you can do twice as good on your v2, which i damn well better see. Basically, im going to edit scopes review. Just look for the red^^^ And Scope, I dont mean to steal your thunder, but REALLY look at the durability hard next time because it was incredibly incorrect...... :p

    God i feel like such an ass, but it had to be done by somebody.
  9. Kanvus

    Kanvus Ancient
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    Thanks for the second review Yoyo =P
    But yes I shall be making a second version, I'm going to be starting from scratch so the overall size will be bigger, as for the getting out of the map problem I may be adding a roof to it so hopefully durability shall be mucho better, and making ascetics nicer.
    I'm going to be planning out ideas before I even start forging so fingers crossed this next version shall be better..!
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Hey i really hope its better. Hang em High was my favorite map, and my second favorite was Warlock. So if you can pull of anything that works even a little bit like it, then i call it a success! Good luck, and dont forget to make the ramps bigger.

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