Presents... First and foremost, I'd like to say that this was the very first map design I had planned out for Reach's Forge. Due to lack of motive though, I never really got around to finalizing it and posting it. Once the 2v2 Throwdown contest was announced though, I felt that it was the right time to get the map out there. With that said. I put myself in gear and started working on the map. Making tweaks, fixing some framerate issues and generally making it a better map. Which, it really has improved. I'm glad with the final results and hope you're too! Sinoviet is a symmterical map that is basically fully enclosed. There's some glass that lets you peak out into the world of forge and even a sight line that lets you see the water below the map. It's kind of small and just about all the lines of sight are aimed for close quaters. There are some mid-ranged ones though, so no worries there. There are two holograms, and one evade on the map. It also fancy's a 'nade launcher, shotgun and a sniper that spawns later in the game. All of this combined really makes the map a lot of fun. Here's a weapon list for Sinoviet x2 Needle Rifles; 30 sec. 2 clips x2 Plasma Repeaters; 30 sec. x2 Magnums; 30 sec. 2 clips x2 DMRs; 30 sec. 2 clips x2 Plasma Pistols; 45 sec. x1 Grenade Launcher; 90 sec. 5 clips x1 Sniper Rifle; 120 sec. 1 clip (doesn't spawn at start) x1 Shotgun; 180 sec. 0 clip x2 Frag Grenades; 45 sec x4 Plasma Grenades; 30 sec x2 Holograms; 30 sec (up to four can be on the map at once) x1 Evade; 45 sec (up to two can be on the map at once) x2 Health Packs; 15 sec (in the base area) x1 Health Pack; 30 sec (in center area) And now, on to the pics and a rendered walk-through! [bungievid]14653643[/bungievid] NOTE: It's a symmetrical map, so everything is the same on each side... so I didn't bother to take a screenshot of both sides. Spawn/Base Outerside of Bases From Hologram plat' looking into Secondary Spawn Secondary Spawn Middle Purple Area Middle Orange Area Middle Green Area Be careful of this LoS, you might lose your head. Don't be too afraid of the shotgun, just know how to be able to handle someone with it, like this guy! So yep, that's all I've got to show, hope you enjoy the map and be sure to come back and tell me all about it. I'd like to thank those who gave me great feedback on layout tweaks and tips for making it have less (none now, that I know of) framerate lag. I'd also like to thank all the peeps that helped me test the map out (you know who you are!) --and thanks a bunch to MickRaider for resizing my imgs and titmar for the banner.
What this guy said^. This map is sick. Your weapon layout is genius and the LoS look perfect. This looks like a sh*tload of fun for 2v2 and even better for 3v3 imo.
this was a pleasure to play on every time during testing. I've seen this map through its various stages, and i promise you all Vorpal spent a shitload of time perfecting and tweaking the map for performance and balance. The map played very well during all of its forms, but it does shine its brightest in this final form. Another thing I was impressed with was the use of color for player orientation. Never was I confused of which side I was on or where the enemies would be. Very well designed! Great job.