Sinister Deathmatch

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Sinister, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Sinister

    Sinister Promethean

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    Gametype: SLAYER (16 Player Free For All)

    Map: RAVINE

    Equipment: Every weapon

    Description: Blanketing the calm blue sea, a menacing giant "foam-green" colored Sinister greets all who dare dwell atop of his "madness inspired", slanted & downward built, straight into the HALO's oceanic Abyss, palace of chaos. Twisted Mongoose tunnels & cracks to adventure into, four distant teleporters relocating when needed, balanced with torque-infused gravity lifts, sometimes leading to death..if not directed in-flight correctly. The castle wall standing hundreds of feet tall is draped in violet with silver glistening walls douced in glory and an "open invitation" effect (juicy), to explore. Spiraling staircases lead to powerful weapons within the great tower wall, and a "camouflage-zone" hides all who enter if stood still and widow creating her web of entanglement indeed.

    "Tis ever-mindful of monstrous events...gathered together by ominous tones."


    "Thanks to Jaybu,TheCentaur,Vendusa, and the other testers in these screenshots"

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    Though this map at a glance looks like a random bunch of pieces, it was pretty cool, and rather fun. The only real problem I saw was the two or three Gravity lifts that just threw you into the ocean. Although it was quite amusing to grab the Mongoose and hurtle miles into the air in a glorious flight to my doom, I feel that that would quickly become quite tedious.

    By the way, that gametype we played worked really well on this map. Whoever did that deserves a serious pat on the back.

    EDIT: Just pointing out that the only screenshot I appear in is one where I'm slumped pathetically on the ground after being murdered. Thanks for that.

    May the forge be with you.

    Maps of mine that are on Forge Cafe:
    Halo Reach:
    Halo 4:
    4D Duck Hunt

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    Your maps are always aesthetically impressive and play well with your gametype. Keep up the good work [​IMG]


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    Jesus in Malibu

    I had a good time testing this even while you were gathering screenshots. Its really fun to play on, and I imagine it would be better with more people.

    On another note, my Spartan's armor looks really evil, I love it.
    #1 Sinister, Feb 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2013

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