I have been in a all boys school form K-12 and i want to know if they do keep children form getting distracted or does it make them socially awkard among the opposite sex later in life? See my other threads Public, Private, Parochial or Home Schooling? Dress codes? Corporal Punishment? Legalize Drugs? Handing out condoms If you like my debates let me know!
At the single sex schools in my area, across the street or 10 feet away is an all girls/guys school. So I don't think it can be too big of an issue.
I wouldn't mind an all male school..... but thats just me... However, I think coming out of school and going into the real world not having females to interact with as often might cause communication issues at a later age...
I've always been in a co-ed school and I personally think it's much better than going to a single sex school. I don't think going to a single sex school would make a big difference socially later in life. I know people who go to single sex schools and they have no social issues. In my opinion the main reason why people send their children to a single sex school is the more specialised learning for girls or boys. Because girls and boys often learn in different ways, in many situations a single sex school can be the better option.
They have single sex schools all with uniforms down here and you know what it's done? The boys either become over confident thugs that think they can take on a 24 year old boxer, or they become pussies. And the girls become skanks who follow trends blindly. It may work for some people but without that diversity growing up most people will be unable to cope with it when they graduate and are forced out into the world.
I would rather go to a public school, an all boy school, would be too much of a sausage fest, and i would not like it there. At least in public schools, you got girls to talk to, and what not. I dont think id ever send any of my future children to a same sex school.
I think going to a single sex school would be pretty gay. I mean cmon, 6 years couped up with other men?
Damn right. And if the school has a uniform dress code my kids will not be going there either or I will not make them wear it. My kinds will not be void of individuality.
It would be easier to focus in a same school because then people wouldn't worry about how they look or act around the opposite . As long as you are mature, you shouldn't have a problem later in life...
Terrible idea, why would you create problems by not letting gender socialize at a young age? VERY stupid idea.
I have to say in all truth... NO..but I am going to look down a current time frame path... Cut line Imo the set up in school what reason really helps kids not getting distracted.. its like any thing in school having good reason and ideals for dong something... just because its a single gender doesn't simply any thing... and No again... I think its better to teach with out a single gender.. because its sexiest in some points of view... but w/e
If there is an all boys school, why would anyone go to it? I know a good 30% of my day is talking to my friends, many of which are girls. I feel school would be boring without them.
Hard to say, since I have had no experience with a single sex school. I would think it would be better though to have a co-ed school, because not only will you miss out on valuable learning experiences with the opposite sex, you might grow up with a sexist attitude, but that is my opinion. I don't know if that's true or not, like I said I have no experience that is just a guess. I also have many good friends that are chicks as well. I think it would be dissapointing to have those kind of relationships be abandoned by the fact that we are at single sex schools. Thanks ~Randle $candal