Sinfall Created by Lglize420 Hi, im new to forge nd the forums been working on 3 maps wich i am posting up now. here's the 1st. Map Description wanted to try to give this map a difforent feel to it. Less blocks, more nature. although it ended up almost all blocks anyway, still feel it's got a nature feeling to it. 2 bases across from eachother. rockets in middle. each base has a top lv. with a bridge leading to middle as well. sides have ramps with tac. jumps to middle as well. Thinking the map may be too simple/small. need advice with this one. supports ffa, team slayer, team oddball, multi flag, 1flag. Weapon Set Up: Rocket Launcher x1 /180s Plasma pistol x2 / 30s Plasma Grenade x2 / 10s Still in early stages with this map, any advice/feedback is greatly appreciated. Will fix everything i can asap, i need all your help to make this perfect thanx PS. new to the forum, so i want to see how this thread goes nd make sure i'm not breaking any rules b4 i post up the other 2 maps i have made. thanx
Your thread seems to up to standards...I don't think your breaking any rules; however, there are a few things that you could add to give more clarity to your post. In your description you could tell us the size of the map and what size teams work best (2v2/4v4)...from some of the pics it seems that it could be very large sized map. In addition, you have a lot of pictures posted; however, it's rather difficult to see how the map will play...I can't tell where the pictures connect together. Try adding an overview (top-down) picture so that the rest of your screenshots will be more coherent. I'll give the map a DL so that I can give a few more specific advice/feedback on the map itself... Anyway, these are minor issues, but the changes will help you "sell" your map to the community more effectively. Welcome to Forgehub!
The information at the top of all map threads includes player count to avoid any confusion such as you are suggesting. The first two pictures are overviews of the map. It's just a bit dense so they don't feel like overviews.
thanx hydro, like pyro said i got 2 overviews, but they are kinda crappy pics, will try to get one thats more of an "overhead" so mabie that will help. also as far as it being best played with: 2v2, 4v4, or ffa, i'm not sure yet. I only had a few friends help me test this out, nd the lv. realy isn't as big as it seems lol. well thanx guys for the help nd i'll be waiting for more feedback [br][/br]Edited by merge: also the kill zones have been driving me crazy. I think i got all of them set up rite so no one can leave the lv. but if anyone finds a way to please let me kno nd ill fix. thanx
From what I can see, you have a nice blend of natural and Forerunner Steel, it's also nice to see someone make those large round inclines work. How is it for frame rate? The rest of it will require a download to check it out, but it looks like a good forge.
thanx, nd the inclines are fine, but the ceiling i made to fit it is kinda bad with fr. (bad frame rate is when textures from 2 items blend nd glitch from dif angles rite? sory noob i am). somthing i will fix eventualy, but it's hard to think of how to make a better ceiling, can use some advice with that from a more clever forger
Actually, when textures blend and glitch, i belive it is called z-fighting, framerate is when you have items like lights and glass, they slow down the refresh and you get a lag. I think I got that right? Sometimes, to fix the flicker from z-fighting, you can add a second ceiling under the original to knock out the flicker, not cover the entire thing, just the majority. Unless you dont have any credits left to cover it, then youre stuck with what you got.
no offense but the map feels a bit compact like you have lots of things in a small area i'm not saing the map is bad i think the map good just you should add another hallway or two a thing i like about the map is that from the pictures it looks as if all the areas of the map have two or more ways in and out hope you think about my idea of opening the map up a bit for better gameplay with larger parties
It does look a little cramped, and if the roof is z-fighting, fix it. Also, if you want a better overview, remove the roof when you take the screenshot to show what's under it.
shadowcat- ahhh, i c. thanx for the info dude. I havent seen it lag yet, but i only played with a few friends, if u do test out the map when u get the chance nd c any let me kno spy penguin nd southern number- it looks cramped, but plays kinda well, nd feels alot more open when in 1st person. still if u guys try it nd there is issues with space let me kno, bc i have been thinking bout openening a few things up a bit like moving the bases a bit further back nd moving rocks back a bit to make the bases bigger. thanx southern number- already got some pics of the middle, but if u think i should have a pic without the roof for the overview i will def do that 2moro to help people get a better look every1- thanx for taking a look, but can someone please try this out nd get back to me with these issues. I'll def. take everyones issues nd work on the map to fix it. but i dont wana do anything just out of observation yet, wana make sure i'm def. goin in rite direction ya kno. oh nd fixing the z-fighting on the roof is what im having problems with. it seems the only thing i could come up with was 2x2 corners to fit the round inclines rite, any ideas? theres gatta be a better idea i havent thought of yet....