I'm currently making a Halo Wars map with Invasion Slayer as the base gametype. I'm going to add a Reactor but I wat the team that controls it to advance a teir. I would like to avoid having these locations be Drop Zones as I cannot control what the Drop Zone drops. I'm also going to add a Supply Elevator, so is there any way to simulate supplies? If I cannot simulate supplies maybe some other tactical advantage? I could really use some help with making my map the best i could be, so please respond.
I thought Invasion Slayer tiers were determined by kills, not by drops. If I'm wrong and drops do cause tier changes, then simply make the Reactor a drop, and position the drop's center such that anything that spawns is out of reach.
They don't affect teirs. But the weapons the drop zone would drop would not normally be available in this gametype.
Hm. You could run a test to see if drop zone weapons and vehicles are affected by the Weapons On Map and Vehicle Set options. There's a recent thread here that describes what changes into what depending on those options.
hat could work, but unfortunately I'm using every type pf vehicle in the map. I'll run a test anyways because now I'm curious.
I remember a map in Halo 3 that was made to simulate Halo Wars. It used a Sniper Rifle as "supplies", and some stuff cost 2 bullets, others cost 1. One person was the Halo Wars player, and all the rest were units that you had to "buy", otherwise they'd just be stuck in a box all game. I love Halo Wars, so I'd be looking forward to this map if you can come up with a good idea.
Someone gave me a link to that in my Map Preveiw thread, I don't like the idea of people potentially being stuck in a box the whole game. Especially if the general quits.