Simulating Supplies and Advancing Teirs

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by M0aHerder, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    I'm currently making a Halo Wars map with Invasion Slayer as the base gametype.

    I'm going to add a Reactor but I wat the team that controls it to advance a teir. I would like to avoid having these locations be Drop Zones as I cannot control what the Drop Zone drops.

    I'm also going to add a Supply Elevator, so is there any way to simulate supplies? If I cannot simulate supplies maybe some other tactical advantage?

    I could really use some help with making my map the best i could be, so please respond.
  2. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    I thought Invasion Slayer tiers were determined by kills, not by drops. If I'm wrong and drops do cause tier changes, then simply make the Reactor a drop, and position the drop's center such that anything that spawns is out of reach.
  3. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    They don't affect teirs. But the weapons the drop zone would drop would not normally be available in this gametype.
  4. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    Hm. You could run a test to see if drop zone weapons and vehicles are affected by the Weapons On Map and Vehicle Set options. There's a recent thread here that describes what changes into what depending on those options.
  5. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    hat could work, but unfortunately I'm using every type pf vehicle in the map. I'll run a test anyways because now I'm curious.
  6. purpledinosaur0

    purpledinosaur0 Ancient
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    I remember a map in Halo 3 that was made to simulate Halo Wars. It used a Sniper Rifle as "supplies", and some stuff cost 2 bullets, others cost 1. One person was the Halo Wars player, and all the rest were units that you had to "buy", otherwise they'd just be stuck in a box all game. I love Halo Wars, so I'd be looking forward to this map if you can come up with a good idea.
  7. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    Someone gave me a link to that in my Map Preveiw thread, I don't like the idea of people potentially being stuck in a box the whole game. Especially if the general quits.

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