All I need to know is: Can you make a sprint a "flag" in invasion? I know that they can act as hills in other gametypes, but could it possibly be a flag? I'm assuming not, but it's worth a shot.
Alright, well that's a slight setback. Anyone have any idea as to how I could achieve this? I'm looking to have a team of Spartans spawn on the repelling side of a one-way shield door. They make their way down a linear path, grab a sprint, and get back their spawn. At that point, the invasion phase is completed (somehow) and removes the one-way shield door.
I have no idea how you could do this but... You could make a mechanism where when the sprint is picked up, it drops a fusion coil that explodes. This can force a fusion coil to drop and force the core which Is one the other side of the door to go through. The core which is now in the capture zine on the other side of tue door just needs to get touched to capture in turn ending the phase
Alright, if I'm understanding this correctly you'll need two things. 1, the opposing team will need to start with an ability already, otherwise they'll just pick the Sprint up themselves. 2, All you need to do is make a jump or something that requires sprint to achieve the distance needed to leap it. At the other side of the jump would be a flag already inside it's capture zone. You pick it up, and it automatically starts the next phase, in other words the shield goes down. If you really want you can try to rig a sprint to hold down something that's right above like a grav lift or something so that when you pick sprint up it shoots the object up from the grav lift and knocks into something exploding it and setting off a chain reaction that goes back and blows up something that was in your way on the other side so that you can now get to it and once again just pick up the flag and start the next phase. Hope this helps in some way, good luck.
I think both mechanisms proposed would be too much of a drain on budget - plus they'd look out of place. The problem with the sprint jump is that it's exactly what I was planning on doing for the initial part of phase two - it'd probably be too repetitive. Maybe I can just incorporate it, as you said, at the end of phase one. Until that point, are there any ideas as to how I could follow through with the original plans?
You could just make it a core capture and change the core carrier traits Big Edit!: you could make it a core capture with a core carrier trait as EXTREMELY SLOW. Then make the sprint the capture. My theory is that the guy with sprint HAS to get the sprint, go to the core, pick it up and it instantly captures. He HAS to because if the carrier is too slow, the team wont bother moving the core to the sprint