Silver Accounts Stealing the Wild ****

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Confused Flamingo, May 8, 2011.


Defining the speific goal of the petition.

  1. Ranksmanship

    2 vote(s)
  2. Coexistance

    2 vote(s)
  3. Rejuvination

    3 vote(s)
  1. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I'm almost entirely fed up with this ****. We've got silver accounts offline for four years with the best gamertags in existance, most likely to never be played on again. I'm seriously ready to start a petition. Think about if we could get all those epic tags back into circulation, it would make a lot of people happy.

    But I'm willing to obseve it from the other point of view as well. Let's say this does succeed. Maybe those people on the silver side of things will suddenly get back online, only to see themselves stripped of their hard-earned tag. But honestly, my opinion stands stock-still. My logic is that cash-paying Gold players outrank freeriding Silver players. Why can't we be treated as such?

    But honestly, I have a number of solutions on this, based on their own perks. I have no idea what to use as the specific petition goal, because microsoft will just blow us off if we're not even focused on one target.

    Ranksmanship- Think about it. Don't paying Gold Account players that directly benifit the Microsoft Corperation deserve priority over those who simply exist? Do we not outrank them? Then why do they hog the best tags? This solution incorperates the idea that a gold account can pay 1000 MS points (200 extra) to adopt the tag from the player using it, provided it's been silver for at least two months (to prevent players from having their tag snaked from them as soon as it's time to renew LIVE). When a player goes to change their gamertag, if it's taken, a little indicator that it's silver will appear, and an option to adopt it for extra MS points will arise. When the silver account next signs in, they will recieve a manditory prompt to change their tag.​

    Coexistance- There isn't much to this solution. Maybe, instead of stealing gamertags from their owners, we could simply share them. Silver players may hold gamertags, but not "possess" them. If a sweet tag is taken by a silver account, a single gold account may use it as well. If the silver account upgrades to gold, they will be forced to change their gamertag, due to the extremely exploitable complications in allowing them to reclaim it.​

    Rejuvination- But, what about the 'lil silver guy? Is it really right to pull his favorite tag out from under him? This idea is basically the same as solution one, except that it only harms players that have been extensively offline, for over one year. ​

    Comments? Additional solutions? Suggestions? Votes? Discuss.​
  2. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    How about we don't change anything and you think up an original gamertag instead of trying to steal one from someone else.
  3. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I noticed this years ago, and it is pretty sad. However instead of paying to adopt said tag, I think gamer tags should simply be nulled after an extended period of inactivity. Hey, you don't sign in, facts are facts, **** you and good day.
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think this is rediculous. If the name you want is taken, find a new one, suck it up and realize this is a first come first serve system. No one is going to accomadate your uncreativity, and anyways, they already have taken off some of the original Xbox gamertags that never went online.

    Honestly I would be pissed beyond reason if one day I logged into Xbox live with a gold card to redeem like I normally do, only to find that I have to change my name because some asshole took it in the period of time it tales me to get enough money for Xbox live, you know some people aren't spoiled pricks that get everything. Some of us have to work for a living and just lack the time to always be on their Xbox whining about **** like this.
  5. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I think the previous post is ridiculous. Creativity has nothing to to do with aspiring to sign into Xbox Live as Darth Vader and slice up some mofo's with the energy sword. The OP is merely stating people on silver membership who don't sign in for months/years shouldn't been given the luxury of retaining any gamertag they desire. It's simply unnecessary.

    Also, if you think it's so ridiculous, save yourself the effort of posting on the topic.
  6. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    The only way this would be even remotely acceptable is if a long period of time passed and the GT went unused. However, MS is already releasing such tags, as Bloo posted.
  7. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    Yeah man, not only are you assuming **** that isn't true, your kind of pushing the boundries in an attempt to make this personal. I don't know what your problem is, but you have no business posting on this topic. I'd rather you just go, because I have have no interest in pursueing an argument against somone like you. Just chill out, and stop flaming.
  8. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    They may be reviving specific tags, but flamingo is talking about a system where the tag you're after can and will b yours if the player is not online. Some people make silver accounts to snag those highly sought after names and keep them as trophies which is not right at all. That is what the problem is. Flamingo, I'm guessing you want Confused Flamingo as a GT?
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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  10. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    Not exactly. The major is reviving tags that are dead. For example, if Player A has gamertag 1, then changes to gamertag 2, gamertag 1 does not immediately become available to the rest of the population. What Major Nelson is doing consists of flushing out tags like gamertag 1, in order to put it up for use again.
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I just don't like the idea of someone taking my gamertag (hypothetically) when I very well mean to play Xbox again some day with that tag. If my being blunt came off as an affront to you, then w/e, just know it was unintentional.

    Anyways, I have every right to post in here to speak for the people against this idea.
  12. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Are you online at least once a year? Then you have no need to complain.
  13. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Actually plasma, not always. I've had gaps of longer than a year between times I had gold.

    So technically, yes I have been online, but not a gold member.
    #14 Aschur, May 11, 2011
    Last edited: May 11, 2011
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    He's just stating the opposite side to the opinion in the thread, It's not a special club where the only people that can join are the ones that support it.

    I am personally against this idea, names aren't that big of a deal breaker, I mean, there are many more things I would rather have them spend time on than names.
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    you're not getting my Stinky Pinky Silver gamertag...
  16. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    What exactly are they "stealing?"

    I dun even...
  17. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Is it truly this big of an issue? It's just a gamertag, something that renders no use beyond being able to get on xbox live. Just get out the trusty pen and paper and write down some ideas. I know I wouldn't give two shits about changing my gamertag (I actually have been).

    Really, not a big deal.
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    True enough, it's far from a real issue.

    However, I don't think it's that unreasonable to put some kind of limitation on how long you can hold a GT for. It'd be nice if there was some set of criteria, like having no GS and not having logged in for a long period of time (I'm talking a year, maybe even 2 years) then it automatically gets dumped back in to circulation.

    Having your GT pulled from under your feet is unfair, but if you've basically registered it, never used it or even logged on to it, just reserved it and left it untouched for upwards of a year, I don't really think you can feel hard done by i they give someone else a shot with it. Like I say, you should only have to do a little to keep it secure, like just using it once even if only on a silver basis, but if there was a way to negate those people who just register one and then never touch it again I think it'd be a nice gesture.
    #19 Pegasi, May 11, 2011
    Last edited: May 11, 2011
  19. xxxReppy

    xxxReppy Forerunner

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    K, seriously dude? I don't even REMOTELY see your logic with your little ramble. I get that you're being "straight forward" and all. But technically speaking, what you're saying is entirely contradictory in so many aspects.

    If this isn't a big deal and everyone should just stop whining and come up with their own ideas. Then honestly, that idea goes to you all the same. If you haven't been on in forever, deal with it. We, as paying customers should by all rights and means have the option of taking what we want. We're loyal paying customers. You can just as easily come up with a NEW CREATIVE tag for yourself. ****ing eh man.

    I'm not saying we should be able to take any tag we want at any given point as long as we dish out the dough. I'm merely stating the fact that so many people over the years have been exploiting the "play for free and never pay" mumbo jumbo crap for too long. "I hate paying for online play because PSN does it for free". 50 bucks a year and so many whiners decide to make a crap load of silver accounts to get around this. Like really? If you're not on for years and someone takes your tag, YOU'RE going to be pissed? pffft. You're only bitching for the EXACT same reason dumbass.

    The tag I want, hasn't been used ONCE. Same goes with the tag my friend wants. No friends list, no bio. Not anything. I'm willing to pay for that tag. Can't tell me I'm "bitching for nothing". The tag isn't in use and I'd like to use it. But noooooo. Because the fact that some jackass decides to use a random tag and never use it again that just so happens to be the one I want, I can't.

    In my opinion. The OP is spot on. You, sir, are not. I get what you're saying for the better part of things. But in any case. If it's "just a gamertag, come up with another one". Then that statement applies to YOU all the same. Whatever though, there's no facts to any opinion obviously.

    But in all fairness. I'm glad they're doing this.
    In reality, if people want to make silver accounts, then their tags should be available to any gold member. If they missed their chance to use that tag, tough titty said the kitty when the milk went shitty. I pay good money for good service. They don't. **** right off.
    Silver accounts are just a pain in the ass. It allows free access for so long, then when their time is up. They move on. Silver accounts shouldn't have ANY access to that we paying members do. That, to me, should also include Gamertags.

    A good solid year is more then plenty of a time-frame for you to renew your account and have that GT up for grabs. Pure and simple. I work in the oil-patch as well as side work for a furniture company. Travel a lot and spend MUCH quality time with friends that's HOURS away from my house. Even I can still get on regularly. So shut up.

    I've said my part. Goodbye.

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