Re: silent hill or resident evil. silent hill dosnt have zombies just crazy people you shoot at which is fun none the less.
Re: silent hill or resident evil. Silent Hill, by far. It's a mindfrak, for sure. The psychological aspect of the total isolation for like...90% of the series is definitely unnerving. And pyramid head...there is nothing scarier in any video game than pyramid head. Except for things in the Fatal Frame series. Those are just messed up.
Re: silent hill or resident evil. i actually draw the prymaid head a lot there geting better slient hill 2 was sick but i still have a place for the first one and the silent hill childer things were by far the most scarest thing in a vidoe game .
Re: silent hill or resident evil. i'd have to say silent hill because wow i played the demo and it was crazy but i rather played resident evil anyday over silent hill
silent hill has a game?!, if ur talkin about the movie, i hardly jumped in resident evil 1-2-3-4, but goddamn silent hill was freaky