Silent Force by Oldranos [ Download link ] SILENT FORCE [ MAP ] SFORCE [ GAMETYPE ] [ NEWS ] 1. I finally have fix the video ! 2. Other pictures and videos [ gameplay ] will be added soon ! [ Story ] SILENT FORCE is my third ForgeHub map after CELESTIA and STRATOS AREA. The map was made for infection gametype but other game varient like SShotgun ( slow shotgun melee ) also work very well on this map. The map was inspired by the map VENTS and work with a similar system of *Splinter Cell* infection. [ Gameplay ] 1. SForce [infection] SForce is a special infection mode inspired by the game Splinter Cell. The game work in a system of rounds where the *SPY* (zombie) have to kill the *SWAT* (survivor) for win. Nothing special for the objective but the difference betwen the *normal* infection varient is that the SPY are invisible and that the only way to kill the SWAT is to hurt them in her back. It's not a recommendation, it's ESSENTIAL if you want to kill the SWAT ! There is a lot of hiding place in the map so ... beware ! 2. SShotgun [melee] SShotgun is only a melee battle with shotgun where the player walk pretty slow. It's why I don't have post the gametype here and only recommend you this varient... [ Gallery ] YouTube - Silent Force by Oldranos [ Halo 3 MAP ] SILENT FORCE [ MAP ] SFORCE [ GAMETYPE ] [ Please download, rate and comment ! ]