REMAKE Silent Cortagrapher - Invasion Created by SEspider ::UPDATE:: I've gone through the map and made some minor changes to it. Nothing HUGE. I've just moved the Elites closer to their at the start of the game. I've also removed a few objects and updated the killzones. As far as Killzones go, they were either moved, replaced with Softzones or turned into gates. It should no be possible to move between the ground and the structure via flight. I've tried to move the ground area to the structure area so we could loose the teleporters. sadly, it didn't work out. Bungie's invisable ceiling prevents it. I've tried other methods, but they just ended up hurting the map. So I instead went and placed soft kill zones around the main teleporters. can't stop campers being near them, just provide some needed breathing room. Since I've updated the map, the attached link to it here may not work. So here you go. Map Story In the year 2552 (2001), the UNSC discovered an Forerunner ring-world called Halo Installation-04. It was on this ring that humanity, with the help of Petty Officer Master Chief Spartan-117, first stopped the annihilation of all sentient. To do so Spartan-117 was forced to activate an overload of the UNCS Fleet Crusier: Pillar Of Autumn's Fusion Core. Except for Spartan-117 and some tough as nails UNSC marines, all were thought to have parished catrostrophic explosion. Included in those deaths werean entire armarda fleet of the Covenant and the in infectious alien symbiote known as The Flood. In 2582 the UNSC returned to the location of Halo Installation-04 to learn and to gather any remaining samples they may find. When they arrived, it was discovered that not all was distroyed. Only in 2631, after the UNSC and their new alien allies, the Sangheili, fully sweep the remaining peices the installastion was they concidered safe and Flood free. Unfortaintly, most of the installation's electronics were permantly damaged in the explosion. However, basic power and records remained intact. Once all were carefully re-activated, the remaining installation's segments re-align to their original positions. When the alignment completed, atmosphere was once again astablished along with a full scale holographic representation of the installation from before the fusion core's explosion. It is theorized that this hologram was meant to be either a field guide for reconstruction or simply for records' sake. Sadly in 2633, Human and Sangheili rebels began attacking one another over possession of the installations remaining land, "first deebs" to Forerunner technology, and the sharing of new Forerunner history. These disaggreements triggered a Civil War among the UNSC and the allied Sangheili fleet. Before updates reached 40% completetion and their power core installedto their new base SC-117-058-223(Silent Cortagrapher), a radio transmission was intercepted by the UNSC informing them of a Sangheili attack. The structure was quickly evacuated of all personal, UNSC and Forerunner files cleaned and all A.I. removed. The Structure's new Fusion Power Core was dropped and damaged in the rush. Marked too dangerouse to move and the structure too important to simply leave for the Sangheili, the UNSC deployed a group of Spartans to protect it. This particular group of Spartans are a mix of Programs III, IV, and V. They are well trained but not use to working with one another. Will they win this battle or will they fall to their old enemy? Map Description I'll keep this part very short, as I don't want to give too much away. Like the Bridge Room, I had to build this map based on memory alone. On such a detailed map, that would normally be an issue. But back in the day I played this particular level a LOT. so I remember it very well. Sadly, there's no way I can re-create the entire level. Forgeworld's layout and the Credit/Object limits also to allow it. So I focused on the primary section instead. I started working on this map's layout back in Dec. 2010. I've made a ton of changes since then in order to get everything I could working correctly. Sadly, I was forced to focuse on the layout more then the actual aesthetics (prettiness) of it. You can thank Forge's limits for that. I've tried every which way to get this map to work as a single map for all game-types. But once again, the Limits prevented me. also during my walkthroughs, I learned it felt more like work then fun. I even reach yhe Kill Zone limits! In the end, I had to leave out easter eggs and only use the outside of the structure for Invasion games. All other game-types will be INSIDE the tructure on the 'Multiplay' version. But finishing it up is still a ways off. So I hope you guys injoy the Invasion version. :LEASE NOTE:: This map has a TON of objects. Please walk/play through it on customes first. Forge tends to causes issues with textures, etc. To help with these issues, I've placed the Insdie of the structure far from the outside. Key areas of the map ::ADDITIONAL:: I understand that the outside seems to be lacking both style and such. But with almost all objects used to re-create the inside of the structure, I had little choice. Besides, chances are that you'll be seeing the inside more then the outside anyway. I had to make some design changes for Multiplayer For examples: The beach is no longer a beach, the Camo room uses a teleporter instead of a ramp, and I've added a mancannon to help the elites get back up to the top. Yes, you can still drop down from where the Hunters were to the bottom and survive. And you CAN drive a Ghost, Mongoose, and Warthog all the way to the bottom floor (Core Room) like in the original. However the Reverent , Waith, Falcon, and Banshee do not fit into the structure. and you should not be able to fly over to it. If I need to move the Elite's starting posistion closer at the start, then please let me know. I had to create this alone without the original game, so feedback, and suggestions would help out a GREAT DEAL. Thanks
I believe it was called 'Death Island' on combat evolved, pc version. Looks nice, I instantly recognise it.
After downloading I see several problems with this map. First off is that it will be unplayable due to lag on account of a remaining budget of $45 and having used SO many pieces in various parts of FW. You have used lights, tons of glass, and objects that have lights (like various bridges and ramps). Secondly, the invasion settings are all wrong. The Invasion spawn and objectives are all a little off... and of course, you have Respawn zones for invasion... which is doesn't use. And even then, the spawn areas are given massive hills. Thirdly, the map uses ALL of the kill areas and they are ALL hard kill zones. They are poorly marked and they don't despawn (invasion_gates). This means that if you have a banshee in T1 and you try to fly it to T3 you die. Instantly. Fourth, the only means of transport from base to base, that I can see, is a lone teleporter at the bottom of a long, winding, bottlenecking, corridor. Not only is this easily campable but the teleporter could be blocked by simply standing on the reciever, not allowing the attackers access. The map shouldn't be separated at all. If you can't make a continious Invasion map don't try to force it all over different parts of FW. Fifth and Lastly, even IF the map was lag free, the gametype was set-up perfectly, and all the other problems I've pointed out were perfected... the map would not be fun. One thing this map lacks, that any good invasion map needs, is segmentation. Basically your map is one big open field in T1 and T2 and 3 are essentially a Multiplayer space. Invasion maps have 3 distinct sections for each fireteam AND they have 3 sections progressing forward WITHIN EACH TIER. This means that in T1 boneyard... the elites have to 1.) get out of their spawns in to the ship 2.) fight in, around and under the ship to gain entry and establish a foothold 3.) fight in and around the territory in order to capture it. 3 distinct phases within each Tier is what makes invasion, invasion. Your map doesn't have that. All the matchmaking invasion maps follow this and, even IF you want to build something new and different than Boneyard or Spire, you should use Matchmaking maps and settings as a starting off point. A rock solid foundation that you can use to build something new and revolutionary. For forging help with the Invasion gametype feel free to send me an invite sometime. GT: HWM Luv Gunn
I love how much effort you put into this map. Makes some good memories come back. Have you ever been thinking about remaking invasion maps from H3?
Luv Gunn, Thaks TONS for the feedback and checking it for me. I'll try and respond in segments. 1st Since I finished the initial build of the map (Dec. 2010), I've gone back and replaced a LOT of objects to bring the budget down. At certain points, it was down right fustrating and time consuming getting things to line up again. I saw no reason to use bridges except for the actual bridges. Sadly I kept running out of required objects and had to result to using them. I'm still in the process of refining the objects for Multiplay games. As for glass, it was NEVER a something I wanted. The only room I remember having glass in CE is are Map Rooms. Sadly, the bridges, Colosseum Windows, & Platforms have glass in them in some fashion. I have no use for glass on this map, but have yet to find a way not to use those items without changing the layout. Oh, and try to ignore the budget for now. Braces and some cosmetic objects are what brought it to it's current low state. 2nd I'm still learning when it comes to letting up Invasion. I've expected the spawns to be off. But playing alone doesn't show these issues well. Didn't know about not needing respawn zones. I found myself spawning in other areas of FW where there were no spawns until I added the zones. What do you mean by "massive hills?" 3rd I was worried about the Kill Zones. Those at the start of them game (T1) are required to prevent players from skipping the 1st objectives. There are Soft zones before the Hard zones If a player is dumb enough to keep going after a warning, then he/she deserves to die. I tried to leave the Hard kills out, but found it too easy to camp in certain areas even with the Soft zones. But I'll work on them. Didn't even know you could set the zones to "despawn." How is that accomplished? 4th I've yet to experience anyone blocking a teleporter in Reach. I thought it was now impossible. guess not. Thanks. Addly, someone camping at the teleporter never occured to me. Wierd. I didn't want to separate the sections at all, But after building the outside, I kept hitting Blood Gultch's floor too early. Thus I moved the inside section to the other end of FW for two reasons. One, to sinsure no one simply bypassed the Tiers. And two, was to help with any loading issues with textures and shapes. By the time it was completed, I was so worried about object count I thought it best not to try re-creating the ground. But I do see your point. 5th In the map's T1 area, players are forced to use certain weapons and abilities. This helps when an area is open. But cover does help the invading team a lot. I could move Blue team closer (to the towers) and help them reach their goals faster. I could also move the bottom objective to the location of the warthog (and move the Hog back to the top). This will also help give the invaders more toom to work. Reaching Objective 2 is meant to be a challenge.If a invader dies, they are meant to respawn inside and pass the decending walkway. Those that don't must fight their way down. With Invaders spawning in both areas, this forces the protectors to spread out, thus giving some relief to the invaders. The area with the first objective has two exits that both lead to the other (closer) objective. To reach the core, Invaders can simply drop down, or take the two exits. Thus reaching the core much faster. If they reach it (always meant to be more difficult), then they must get it back to the surfice. To help with this, I've included a Grav Lift that only appears on T3's activation. from then it's a hussle through two floors and the choke point. The Choke point (the decending ramps) works both ways. Those protecting the core have to huddle together to return it. The invaders have a slow climb to get it out. Well, that's what I was going for. For the NON-Invasion games, I plan to cut the entire T1 area (choke point and all) out. Thank you greatly for your wonderful input. I'll continue to work on it and see what I can do. And and all help is appreciated. Of course, having some people to test the map with sure helps a great deal. HINT HINT [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks. I don't recall Halo3 having Invasion. saddly, I no longer have that game either. And don't remember the map's as well as Halo 1's. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I completely forgot that I still have ODST. What maps were you thinking of?