Meh. Text is not good, the hue on the joker doesn't work, and what's on the edges. Good concept though! 3.7/5
I like the effects in your signature they are pretty good, the lighting could use some work also since the signature is not that big you should just use a 1 pixel border, also try darkening up the sides a bit, nice work.
it looks ok but its not the greatest... I really just do not like the text idk why just don't also the render is kinda bright for my liking... I would give it a 3.8/5 did you make it...
I would give it a 3.9 because the render doeesnt blend in with the backround that good + the text doesnt fit in my opinion. It looks good tho
Hey guys, please keep the spam to a minimum. The graphics & arts section broke away from the off-topic forum a LONG time ago.
Idk, the text doesnt go well with it, the joker isnt purple, and whats on the sides, looks like a collage