I'd like to learn the way of the Gimp. Anyone who is avalible. I like to do Game and Halo signatures. I need to lean depth and C4D's I know almost everything else. Oh yea. I can learn on AIM or just Visitor Messages.
Hey can I be taught by anyone that has time?Also with GIMP.All the first one did was teach me very little about C4DS and quit on me.I have skype.
If you wish, you can file a complaint about the user, and I'll talk to him about it. I would love to help you, but I can't download skype, and I'm permawarned, so we can't contact each other through messages. Is there a specific user you'd like to teach you?
Id like to learn Photoshop CS4 signiture grafix. The only thing i really know how to do it in is ad text, C4Ds, renders, and put brushes on it. I dont have a specific user i would want to tech me... Also, my webcam fell off my moniter and broke recently, so i cant use skype.
Mehh...No one really.But someone that has a lot of expeirience and is good with GIMP.Also I understand how you are permawarned.I got a perma infraction for no reason.
So I'm getting voluntold now? jk, jk, I'll teach you, but I only have this website and Windows live messenger so which ever is more convenient for you.
If you want me to teach PM me I don't check this thread often, you won't regret PMing me though, and PM me before you add me on MSN I don't add random people.
It was a joke, just the wording. I know you aren't THAT low. That would be like reaching a whole new level of low.
I know this was from several months ago, but I was reading this thread again today and I saw this post and saw that people wanted to know how to make something similar to this sig but couldn't really figure out how to do it. I sat down and after messing around for about 2 hours with various C4Ds and things, I present my attempt at recreating this sig: I wrote down all the steps that I took (in good detail, I might add), so if anyone likes my recreation/just wants to know how to do this, I can do a quick tutorial. I don't really want to make the tut if no one cares, though, so if you are interested, tell me and I will see what I can do based on the number of people. EDIT: I just realized that I didn't resize it to be 500x200, but you get the idea anyway...