I Need Anyone With gimp, mainly need more help on c4d's, yeah *** man i read your post from lock, but i need more than that. E: Frag Man**
Since Ice is on a break, I don't mind doing double work, it's really no problem, especially because I understand how Icecikle is feeling at the moment. So open a double free spot for me... if that's what you call it.
Hey, buddy. PM me if you need anyhelp with graphics, in Photoshop or in general art inspiration, but I don't use GIMP, I can help around with how to make a good signature or a basic one, just send me the details.
Frag, I'm going to have to take some time off from here. I'm going through.... some personal issues right now and I'm not sure what's going to happen... I'll tell you when I'll be able to start helping again... Sorry.
I would like somebody to teach me how to do this. (and specifically, just this) Rooster Teeth · RT Comic Timelapse
Hey frag my man I was thinking that maybe you could make another locked topic with all the lessons on it, and keep editing your post when new lessons are completed. That way people dont have to shift through 26 pages or profile visitor messages
No problem. Take all the time you need. Alright. I'll see who I can find. This is not a comic school RST. I would, but almost all teachers keep their comments on Skype, MSN, etc. I have no possible way of keeping track of what they say.
Hey could I have Hells Requiem to teach me? It says he has PS CS4. I'm going to PM him I guess. Is this a double post? I'm not sure cause I'm on the first page lol