Signatures that you've made for other people in the past work for this, right? Despite how simple and easy it was to make, it's one of my favorite graphics that I've ever produced, and just happens to meet the requirements this week. ^_^ (Link to prove that it was indeed I who made it, if such a thing is needed) EDIT: Just for clarification so I don't get disqualified, the white "streaks" in the back are a ghost image of the face on the right blurred and darkened considerably. What looks like use of the smudge tool is, in fact, a 3px Gaussian Blur on the original size of the render of Riku's face, set at between 10% and 25% opacity over black with a blend mode on. No smudge tool used, despite appearances to the contrary (sadly, I don't have the original .psd, as my hard drive crashed between when this was made and now).
here is mine: for the fire i didn't use smudging i used I Warp. it can be found in: Filters> Distorts> I Warp Original Stock image: When i rendered the stock (dude it took me 2HOURS!! to finish the render!! & sry 4 quality cause i SUCK at rendering but i can do it) :
heres my entry, just a stock with abit of a twist. O and not to forget the wisp pretty old but no smudge so...