This thread is for discussion of this weeks SOTW only. This is to avoid the large amount of off topic discussion which has been appearing in the entry threads. This thread will be deleted once the voting thread is created. This does not mean spam is allowed here however, we are not the off topic section and the forum rules still apply. Discuss each others entries, future themes, new ideas for the contest, etc. Exchanging critcism on each others entries is allowed, however this is a casual contest so try not to be harsh or unkind.
how can you make an original sig without smudging?????????????? impossible this week will suck once again
You guys really are helpless without smudging... Come on, SotW in't really about how good the stock or idea is, it's about how good you can be withen certain parameters. On a related note, this has got to be the best one I've seen, how good are sig makers without their favorite tool?
Are you kidding? There are many other ways to get flow. Off the top of my head, motion blur does rather nicely. Next, not every sig has smudging. Most of my sigs don't have smudging. It's only very recently that I've even began using the tool.
motion blur is just a crap version of smudge i might as well use liquify if its like that this is why this week is so stupid
or is it to hard for you to do, why dont you do a vector sig they dont lack flow and involve no smudging + vectors are cool
There are many brilliant sigs that are based on motion blur... Also, without using smudge, there are many oher methods to create flow. Using a gradiant is a simple way. Also, to be honest, this week has to be the best of all the other ones as it really tests the sig makers here to try and make something brilliant without using Smudge.
If post count in G&A was more then a m, I'd think that you were spamming... I can't believe anything you say now since I just saw one of your sig tuts...