Sign A/B steel ring

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Prophet of Heresy, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. Prophet of Heresy

    Senior Member

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    Does any body know exactly how to merge a sign a or b flat on a double box ao that only a ring shows up instead of the letter and arrow :confused:

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok this is a very advanced but very tricky technique, if you look closely at a sign you will notice the out rim slightly goes out more than the A/B sign. You will have to save and quit, and interlock the hell of it until you get what you want. Keep on pushes it into the box, I find its easier if you place an object as a guide, e.g a wall on the side of the double box, this way you could tell if you did it right without having to start new rounds. It will take awhile but will look very nice and be worth it in the end.

    Hope that helped
    - DRiSCOLL
  3. Prophet of Heresy

    Senior Member

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    thankyou thankyou thankyou I finally got it!
  4. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I'm only Theorising here, but you could probably do it an easy way (or at least a method that is consistant):

    1. Place a bridge on the box you want to have the sign's ring poking out of. (Why does that sound so wrong...)
    2. Set box not to spawn at start, restart round.
    3. Place the sign under the Bridge, save and quit to get it to stay.
    4. Place a Bridge under the sign, save and quit to get it to stay.
    5. Move the sign out of the way and delete the upper bridge (the first one you placed that was ontop of the box)
    6. Place a window panel on the remaining bridge.
    7. Place the sign on the window panel (See what I did here, raised the sign up by the depth of a window panel)
    8. Delete bridge and window panel, set box to spawn at start.
    Now that was only in theory, I have no idea if that will work, but a window panel is pretty damn thin, so I would've thought that should have only moved the sign by a fairly small amount, hopefully small enough to only show the ring. I could be wrong of course, but heck, it's worth a shot eh! (Better than just trying to guess)

    You could also try, at step 4: Instead of using a bridge, use a door or a teleporter node instead. I believe they go ever so slightly through an object when placed. If you place one of those, and then just grab the sign, it should force the sign slightly higher up (because the door/node was slightly inside it). You wouldn't need to bother with the other steps after that because you would've already raised it.

    I'm curious to see if any of those theories would work now! I may try it out, and post some useful demonstration pics if any of them work.

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