8/10. Add a border like the ones I have on mine. ;D Just make a 3 pixel white stroke, set it on overlay, then make layer above and put 1 pixel black stroke. then turn down opacity to blend.
Leave it borderless. It is more refined without one. The lighting and the brushing is great. The flow is decent. Add something to the Spartan's forearms. The pink spartan secondary is throwing the colors off.
i'd put a 1 px black border, and lower opacity so it kinda blends and at the same time bord(s?) yea the pink kinda throws it off a bit, but its aight anyway...why dont u throw in some words (probobly on a curved path it would look nice), and blend it in...otherwise really nice sig gj
i paid for it...i know a person who works at adobe, got me the whole thing for about 75...anyway...GIMP is pretty simple to work, you have to install X11, look around on google...install that first, then GIMP works
you get it working? i used to write tutorials for GIMP actually (before i got Photoshop), so i still remember a bit about signature stuff
I need some special thing to DL it. Some DL disk or something. Can't find it! I'll just go without...