I wrote this a while ago and though I would share with anyone who can't get photoshop for whatever reason. Hey, today we are going to make this sig in Gimp: Note: This tutorial requires that you know the basic gimp tools, know where filters are and know how to change layer blending modes. Ok, lets get started Step 1 start with a blank canvas (400x83) and move your stock on to it Step 2 add a c4d and set it to screen Step 3 add another c4d and set it to screen Step 4 add another c4d and set it to lighten only Step 5 add another c4d and set to lighten only Step 6 add another c4d and set to lighten only Step 7 add another c4d and set to lighten only Step 8 add one last c4d and set to lighten only Step 9 now create a new layer and then go to Edit>Copy Visible then Edit>Paste and then right click the floating layer and click "Anchor Layer" Step 10 create a new layer above that and brush on a light source with a white soft brush Step 11 Now on the layer you created in step 9 pull out the burn/dodge tool and with a soft brush dodge around the light source and burn every where else Step 12 create a new layer and then copy visible and paste like in step 9 and then go to Filters>Colors>Map>Gradient Map (make sure the foreground color is black and the background color is white) and set this layer to soft light Step 13 create and new layer copy visible and paste again and do another gradient map but this time use colors from your stock. Set this layer on Color at 80% opacity Step 14 now copy your original stock layer, move it to the top and set it to screen on 40% opacity Step 15 create a new layer, copy visible and paste again and then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian blur and set to 2 pixels for both vertical and horizontal, hit ok and then erase around the focal. Step 16 create a new layer, copy visible and paste again and then go to Filter>Enhance>Sharpen, choose some settings that look good for you then hit ok and erase everything but the focal. Step 17 create a new layer and then copy visible and paste and then go to Filters>Colors>Map>Gradient Map (make sure the foreground color is black and the background color is white) and set the opacity to 30% now add text and a border and you are done!
I'm a noob with GIMP. Before, I would use Paint Shop Pro, because that is what I had availiable. What are c4d's?
Is there a tutorial where i can figure out what 'filters' and 'cd4' are?? I donwloaded gimp only because my paint wasnt workin, so i might as well learn how to use it
OKay, this is awesome, but is this translatable into PS 6.0? that's what I have... and what are c4ds?
c4d's are abstract renders made in a program called Cinema 4D. Search google for c4d packs or go to deviantart.com and search c4d pack to get some. Should work with PS 6, with a few changes in where things are. The only thin I don't know about is if they had gradient maps in PS 6, I'm pretty sure they do but not certain. There is a menu called filters that is one of the buttons along the top of the window your image is in.
thanks this is great, i wanted to find out how you made my (awsome) sig so i thought i would try this, it took me a while to find the set to screen option but after that it was fine. where do you get the stock images? i couldn't find any others the right size, and when i crop them it doesn't look right, is there a site you can go to or something?
By adding a c4d, do you just mean pasteing it onto it? And what about 'setting it to screen/lighten only' how do you do that?
Just use any image that's wider than your sig size, I use google images and set it to only look for large images, If you get one that's really big, you just make it smaller until it's the size you want. yeah just copy and paste the c4d, and those settings are the layer blending modes and they're in the drop down box at the top of the layers menu.
sweet thanks, i have finished my first sig and i'm pretty happy with it so, thanks, but how do you add a border?
Thanks, I am trying to make a sig using this tutorial. I'll still keep using the one you made for me though. I will post it here once I finish. Edit: I definitely messed something up ^^ I'll try again later.