OKay, there are tons of these threads lately, but mine is for a specific type of sig. It is like the one I have now. Basically, it shows a navigation bar type-layout where seperate images are weaved together to look like one image. Now, each image goes to a different site. What you can ask for is any color, shape, number, etc. of buttons. Now, the buttons can have your text on them, or just a symbol. There can be more than 4 buttons (not including the middle button), but they are thinner each time there are more. Please, please, please follow this format when posting your request:\ {Post here no matter what, but I set up this (EEEEYYYOOOHHH) for ease. It gets sent right to my email... Byt even if you use that, post here saying that you did.} Code: [noparse]Number of buttons: Color/ Pattern on buttons: Title of each button: Link for each button (where it will go): Name (Text) in middle: Image outline in middle: If you want icons on the buttons, outline: Attached Images (either attach or link): Shape of middle (normal button, shpere, square, etc.): [/noparse] That may seem rigorous, but that is sort of what I need. Sorry. And for pattern, I mean that I can do carbon fiber, aurora, things like that. These sigs are less graphics and more functionality, but I am good at graphics regardless... Here is what I am talking about: PLease only post here to request one, say that you sent me an email, or comment on something I made. THanks...
It would be nice to have one for my graphics portfolio, but no one looks at it anymore, so dont bother. Cool style though.