Can I have Something with all these stats on it? Like I said can I have something with all of those stats with this Info: Size:450x250 Main Colors: Pink and Blue Background Image: And a plus: can you put a forge monitor on it? Whoever does this so I like it will recieve positive rep, and a lot of thank yous!!!
First, don't double post. It's annoying, and won't get you anywhere. And, second, wouldn't it be kind of impossible to put all those stats into one sig? And those kinds of sigs are updated only a few hours after something happens. If someone makes a sig with those stats, it's not going to update. Unless they know how to do all those stat things, which I'm almost sure no one here knows how to do. Why not just pick the best one? Or why not just use your Bungie Card?
Welcome to Forgehub. Since you're new, i suggest you take a look at the rules. One of the rules says that were is no bumping or double posting. You just double posted there, and you might get an infraction or warned. If you get more infractions it can lead to a ban or permaban. Don't do it again. Edit: UGH! Edd, I swear I just finished typing, posted, and u beat me. damn you.Damn you.