Ok since i've been running out of room in my sig because i've been making a lot of maps recently. i was wondering how you make a sig with a slideshow of your maps and when you click the pic it takes you to that map. i've seen this in Blaze's Sig. anyone wanna help me out here?
Well, you could do that, by making a small image containing the name of your map, and then use a site like signavatar, to change them at random. Or make an animated gif, with all the maps, and screenshots in a slideshow, either way, you'd have to link to a map directory for your maps(you can make it in a blog) then link to all your maps in there. Blaze's is a mix of the .gif and blog thing, I think. The other way to do it is to stack transparent images in your sig, so you can have multiple pretty looking links in your sig.
yes that the easiest way to do it. have a link to a map list (blog usually) coming from a series of repeating pic. that show off your maps.