Uh, how has no one even mentioned Se7en yet? But hmm, I am trying to think what I will do mine on. Seems like Greed and possibly wrath (since any violent stock will do) will be common choices here... I might do envy.
Please this is not the place do post that. But I am feeling nice, so here is a link full of sig making knowledge. HERE now quit spamming.
Thought I'd repost since it got overlooked, it helped center my signature I'm working on. Seven deadly sin revealed It lists each sin with a sort description, the name of each sin leads to a page where it tells you more about it. Including colors and animals associated with that sin. Thought it might help you brainstorm ideas.
i was gonna do a lust one, but im at my aunt/grandmas house, and they would think it was something bad, so, i went with envy plus, green just owns
here's my entry, it took a while but i like it What does everyone else think? it resemble wrath (rage, anger) i might make a tutorial for it
oh man, all i can think of is the gluttony scene from seven... awful! i really do love the theme for this week tho. i think pride is the most difficult sin to portray in a single image.
Man, good God. I thought I was going to be the only one using lust. Anyway, it's considered art. Theres nothing wrong with nudity.
HOLY **** OMFG I HAVE THE GREAAAAAAAATEST IDEA FOR THIS. I am taking this home! I just gotta finish a request and then I will make the sig.
MY ENTRY IS COMPLETED WOOT!!! This is V2 of the signature V1 was just different text. I hope you likey. Oh, I hope no one thought of the Full Metal Alchemist thing other than me...