I vote for Dizfunky. His entry is very well composed; it has a nice color scheme and the galaxy inside of the sphere looks very cool with the galaxy outside of the sphere. I wasn't too crazy about the text though... Excellent entry though.
My vote goes to Lone Deity, his sig is just the only one that sticks out for me. I also like how he messed with the color erangments.
megathumbs for his awesomeness first, then how much the image looks manipulated.....the other one's may look much more manipulated, yet megathumbs takes something simple and makes it simply awesome!
I vote for Lone Diety. The composition and just what he did with the sig. His also gave me somewhat of an inspiration. ;D
I'm stuck on Lone Deity's signature. It may be over the height limit, but it does this weeks theme the best. The lighting is supreme, and the original idea is perfectly executed. I like Diz's also, but it looks like Lone gave him the idea.
i vote for masterjelly7 because his was nicely done, it really stuck to the topic, and the contrast really matches flames.
i think that people had some trouble finding the right things for this week.. and i think dizfunky is way ahead in the polls.. of course my vote goes to him as well.. i really liked the whole "glass ball" idea and i thought he put it together really well.. Dizfunky
My vote is for Dizfunky, Its a simple concept, but he had pulled it out of proportion, sure, Lon3 got it first, but dizFUNKy did it better
i vote for Dizfunky, i like the simple text and how it stands out from the picture. also, i like how the hands are left alone but the ball is extremley manipulated. just an awesome sig all around
DizFunky. His is really just wonderful and it looks natural. Anyway, this theme is by far the best theme. I would have done it, but I didn't find the free time to do it.
I vote for DizFunky, i love the whole galaxy in a ball thing. The text could have been a bit more creative, but it looks the best
Hm, there's a few good ones, but I think I'm going to have to pick Dizfunky's sig. It just flows really nice and is very universal like.
Well, since I obviously am not going to win, I guess I will vote for Dizfunky. His colors are very pretty and you can't even tell they were separate images.