Are you sure you can like use that? It might be copyrighted...
actually i got the pictures from google... but idk.. MY BFF FRED! il talk to mallet about it. and how did you even find it? it was on like page 3....
I thought the entries had to be your own art... I think that quite of few of these entries are just stock image that was scaled, and nothing more. Not to be an ass or anything, but it really does have to be your own art. You can add renders and logos, but if it is just a stock then it does not count.
Well my isn't exactly stock, but its pretty simple. Someone PM me if I have to take it out or change it. Just so you know it did take time and some effort to do. Especially since I'm new at this.
I really like convulses. Also i have some ideas(i don't have gimp or ps and im leaving for holidays tomorrow, so i won't be entering) Someone should use the banned pics of bejing olypmics(the ones with how they get tortured to win) as a render or something, and make it dark; i think it'd be really good. Lmao he just cut the film and put it in a diff order.
wow theres alot of good comp for me again, and maby ill lose again (probably) mine is on like page 2 or 3
alright i made a new one, since the last was... iffy. yes this is my work, i took two separate pictures and merged or meshed them together. and i fixed the background. so there.
kratos ive never seen you before but way to work more conventional and simpler methods of sig making into your sig to make it look really good.
Thanks! I originally had a sig like your first one where it was an animated sequence of images, but then I changed last minute. Anyway, I've only been an FH member for a couple weeks, so not many people know me yet.