i was stuck between tdhardings and dizfunks. tdhardings had a great concept, i really like the whole banner thing he did or whatever, the sig itself is bad, but that banner thing is just so ba. . . but even though he is a **** and I want to see him get smothered by a semi. . DiZfu7Vk's is dank. not over powering but still bold colors + flow and meaning. DANK. DiZfu7Vk has my vote.
Yeah I pick Trent too definetly TRENT FOR SOTW!!!!!!! I cant believe his color use, its so good, unexplainable!
I vote for TDs. I dont necessarily like the Foo Fighters, but his is the only one that looked like it took some skill. Most others were just kinda unoriginal blobs of C4D's.
Took me awhile to find this thread but now that Im here, I vote for Trent. The ipod in the pic is greatly placed and thebackground just made it better. I love SOTW's
I really like Trents, but the ipod and what I think is a pic of Nelly Furtado turned me off on it. I'm going to have to say DizFunk, that one is really cool, and it has a really interesting use of pop-art styles, which I usually dislike, but I loved here. It catches the attention, and the quote is great.
I pick Rey's Hilary duff one. 1 because i cant believe that he made hilary duff attractive. 2 its not to big not to small. 3. The pink and the black blend very well 4. it very clean no blurriness where there shouldnt be.
duff himself. nice blending of red/blue as well as dark and light values. the car pops out at my eyes just right as does the "radiohead" text.
I vote DRiSCOLL's one He made my one too hes awesome Disregarded: Him being awesome is not a valid reason