Welcome to Forge Hubs fifteenth SOTW, bought to you be your beloved Mallet. For the clueless among us, Sig Of The Week is a weekly competition in which members submit their best signature and the community vote which is the best. Congratulations to the winner of last weeks SOTW, Smeagle. Your signature will now be displayed in the banner above for the following weeks. Check the Winners Gallery to see the winning sigs from previous weeks. This is how the contest works: Each week you will have between Monday and Thursday to submit your signature. These will then be put onto a public voting poll between Friday and Sunday. The winner will then be announced on the following Monday. Each week there will be a theme signatures must follow; these will also be announced on Mondays. If a signature does not meet the theme it won't appear on the voting thread, so pay attention. So what are the prizes? Well, not a lot lol. The winning signature will replace one of the images in the letters of the banner above and will be added to the Winner Gallery, and if you're lucky recieve a lovely rep reward. The most important prize however is the joy of competing with your fellow hubbers and that warm damp feeling of crushing them in victory, I'm sure you'll agree. This weeks theme is: Vibrant Colour Not really a typical theme but I'm going with it. Seems to me many of the sig makers on forge hub have problems with colour. I've seen many sigs floating around which are rather monotone and dull. Gradient map + blending mode = poor colour. I want to see some sexy vibrant multi coloured sigs doodz. And yes, there is a u in colour. ^purty^ Rules: Entrants may only submit a signature made by themselves. Signatures must follow all forum rules. This includes those against nudity and pornography. Signatures may not be larger than 500 x 200 pixels. Signatures which are ripped or are cropped from the artwork of others will be disqualified. Vertical signatures are allowed and are exempt from the size rule above You may edit or change your entry any time before the voting thread is posted. Use this thread to post entries only. This thread is not for discussion. Any posts which do not contain an entry will be deleted.
oo i remember making a sig awhile ago, and the guy requested allot of colour so i made this and i feel it suits this weeks theme
well here is min, it was made from scratch using no renders at all even the eye. hope you like it, and it should count for vibrant colours.
I guess I'll just submit this. It's one of my favorite signatures that I made. Pretty colorful and bright too.
I made this a year back but its still really colourful: *EDIT* Oh man, I never realized the the quality of this signature was not that great, I might remake it so I will edit this post if I must... *EDIT* I made a new post with my ACTUAL entry!
This one is more like a sprite SIG. But here it is : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Actially, use this one, without text :
Vibrancy is awesomesauce ^_^. This is the other entry that I updated with some CnC from the GFseX crew. Hope you guys likey it .