how is mine no one responded last time. its my sig. it was done completely by hand no renders or c4ds even the eye. and inmy opinion hells your sig is still kind of dull the colors dont stand out and are muted and put in because you had to the colors should be incorporated, but not pu in over the top as a gradient type thing, just my opinion. i like the sig though its great i must admit.
Hey... this is my entry. I'm not sure if its quite vibrant enough.. it was. But the scanner really messed up the quality. I drew it yarly. Is it enough to fit the category or shall I remove it?
Tiz fitting. Also Hells u iz my fav artist on here but I can't just go by who I like. :/ And u'll probably get a bunch of votes anyway just cuz u iz kool. =)
To be truthful, it's to random, clutterd, and I don't like the drawings themselves, no offence, but your not that great of an artist.
sorry norlinsky, but this was actually only my second SOTW rating thread (for my sig) and I don't post them there in the quantity that smeagle does, so I think mine passes the test....I'm sorry to anyone who I offended in posting my "RATE MY SOTW-zorz!!!"