I will be making sigs since i have just got photoshop for my computer but i have had 1 1/2 years EXP. with using it. the requirements are below. Text: Sub-Textoptional) Font: (You can get some from 1001fonts.com) Render: Requested Style: (optional) Requested Size: I will try to do as many as I can but if this gets busy I may need some more time ! Also I would REALLY prefer if people requested signatures with renders if you don't know what that is its basically a cropped out picture. If you want to find a good one go to Planet Renders v3 Sigs done so far:
Are you sure that's 1 1/2 years experience? It looks like you are just starting out. I'm not trying to be mean...I have had 1 1/2 years experience...no offense, but my sigs don't look like that. :/
Thats harsh =] But i see what you mean .. Maybe he used paint for ages and then realized you can get GIMP for free .. But i think the sig is pretty good ..