Hey guys, i just made this sig for the heck of it, and i was wondering what you thought. Does it look weird or do think its kinda kool? ill probably add some text if you think its kool =] Code: Here it is - [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg93/7he7itan/Firesaber.png[/IMG] _________________________________________________________ Heres another version with text [I](NOTE- Im not sure i like the color of text or where it is to much, but it gives you a picture of what it looks like)[/I]- [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg93/7he7itan/Firesaber2.png[/IMG] __________________________________________________________________ Heres another version with backgroud - [IMG]http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg93/7he7itan/Firesabersig.png[/IMG]
i love the flames in the saber buts its kinda weird for me to see a sig as just a person with no background
thanks! and yours may be better, but im just a beginner at GIMP and all, so i was bored and made this
I like the picture a lot, kinda looks a little wierd, but that's probably because I am just used to pictures being inclosed in a rectangle. Very nice though!
It is good, like Knight Kinja's sword sig. But the only thing that bothers me is that his legs are cut off, that spoils the sig. If you where gunna do text i would do it up just above the lightsaber, that would look sweet
Um sorry, but it looks like all you did is put the flames on the regular, old render. Am I correct? If not sorry for the inconvience.
well, i changed the color and lighting a bit, but otherwise i guess yes... but does that makes it bad...? =|
I'm not sure how gimp works, but you should layer the text behind the sith if you can. Flames are ok. It is very hard to make flames look good i know. SWTFU ROX! (Star Wars The Force Unleashed)
i agree with ahri on the text but i think the one with the background would be way kickair if u could bring the render out more