i was wondering if someone could make me a sig, sorta a dark blue color theme with a white hyubusa and my gamertag on it. ty if you could help!:squirrel_rubberduck
welcome to ForgeHub NoD. If you hadnt noticed there are many Sig Shops/Sig Makers in the Graphic Arts section. Alll you really gotta do is look for topics that say "sig making" "[name]'s sig shop" stuff like that. ill give you a few links to some i prefer. Knight Kninja Zerosun and LockdownN Reaper of Bunny your welcome ^_^
You forgot mine and Monsta Masher's. No biggie though. I really don't want to have that much traffic. But yes, always request a signature at a request thread. Since you're new, I hope you'll abide by the rules and will be an active member here at forgehub. I'm sure that since you were able to come here you know you're way around the forum. Anyways, good luck with your signature.