well congratulations community of forge hub you have once again ruined and idea i dont give a **** what you say or do next **** forgehub and all of you retarded members
well, its a bad idea...No offense, but it really is, have people make two or three sigs for you, and then pick only one. Others get thrown out and never used. Its really a waste of our hard work and time. You see what I mean right? Takes at least 30 min to make one good sig. And then you have the other two...You see how the chance of getting your work thrown out could be a major turn off here.
dude please post, im making 1 now, frag man has just been an ass and has been completly biased and unreasonable.
how in hell do you hate stocks. There so easy and lovely. This however is basically a render, since it has no backround.
oh sorry dudette. well im doing this for a bit of fun, someone else has and im doing it to practice my photoshopping, bit of fun. and if someone sees u make an awesome sig, they could ask u 2 make 1 for them? just my opinion though. and frag man, calling me a retard and making small teenagers upset and crushing their small FUN ideas, does that make you feel cool?
Believe it or not I actually do respect frag man although he can be a complete **** sometimes. He is a cool guy and is incredible with graphics. All of a sudden we have noobs that join that think they can open contests and start attacking more respected members. Doesn't work that way. Renders are easier to work with then stocks because you can choose your own background that you think fits the render/character the best. And seriously spazmonkey who are you?
ino frag man has a good reputation here and could be an awesome dude, but i tried a screenshot comp once and it failed, i just thought my mates 1 would, it looked kinda fun and hoped to see a few people participate. sorry if ive come across as a n00b or an asshole, just wanted to state my point like every1 else is here. and me? im spaz!