you should get a pic of a beached whale and then trick it out and then right "Save the Whales" on it. and then make a second one that has sushi and it'd be like "GoodWhaleSushi"... lolz
And I think you should brighten up that sig instead of not doing what I just stated. owait, its right there. Good job!
Thanks! This is kinda off topic but my photoshop can only open PSD files. It says it "cannot parse the file." Does anybody know how to fix that?
Whats a C4D in the first place? sorry i'm a noob. and if its a PS term it just cuz i just barely got PS and haven't gotten into it yet since i still have GIMP projects.
C4D's are images created in Cinema 4D. They usually contain no flow, and have no other use other than to compliment a render/stock.
C4D's pwn. When I get a new computer I will install Cinema 4D so I can make some cool shapes and stuff . I usually download them and its different than using brushes because C4D is basically randomized generations.