SIETCH Big Team Battle DOWNLOAD SIETCH MAP DOWNLOAD SIETCH ONE FLAG DOWNLOAD SIETCH ONE BOMB DOWNLOAD SIETCH SLAYER Bungie Pro Video SIETCH 1 FLAG VIDEO CLIP Sietch is a Heavy Big Team Battle map built and balanced for 12 to 16 players, but is still fun with as little as 8 players. It was built on a towerless canvass so the gameplay area rivals coagulation from Halo2. Suggested gametypes SIETCH One Flag, SIETCH One Bomb, and SIETCH Slayer. The downloadable gametypes are a MUST. You will get BR and Plasma Pistol starts regenerating grenades as well as favorable speed (110%) and spawn settings. All of these are key to playing a heavy map of this size. ATTACKERS Attackers spawn at the perimeters of the map primarily. Halo Drop spawns give the attacker paratroopers the advantage versus spawn campers. Remember you spawn with plasma pistols and regenerating grenades so you can disable enemy vehicles quickly. The primary spawn points have plenty of vehicles. . IMPORTANT behind the columns at the main spawn points there are teleporters that will take you to additional vehicles and weapons as well as providing another angle of attack on the central base. The shadowlands provide cover for even the biggest of vehicles. Attacking straight out of the setting sun has proven effective too. DEFENDERS Defenders spawn in and around the central base. Though this map is extra HEAVY the distances between targets have an effect on weapon power. Also I adjusted longer spawn times for some vehicles and weapons to prevent over dominance. The entrance to the tower is behind the Hornet landing pad in the defender base. WEAPONS & TACTICS The Spartan laser spawns under the kill ball out in the shadowlands. Plenty of grav-lifts and other equipment to get the drop on your opponents. Go Evel Kenievel on there asses. A well placed gravlift at the top of the big hill will put you inside their base. DOWNLOAD SIETCH MAP DOWNLOAD SIETCH ONE FLAG DOWNLOAD SIETCH ONE BOMB DOWNLOAD SIETCH SLAYER MO PICS Thanks to all who helped me beta this map.. Check out my big team posts. Hail Mary, Spread Eagle, and Skydive Convoy HAIL MARY
wow, this is really complicated for me.... um, well i personally think it looks like a really fun maop to play with,. maybe not really competitive, but definitely fun. the only reason i say maybe not so competitive is that if you can get the power weapons you can just suppressing fire on the base for a while. i dont know, maybe theres more than meets the eye to this map? overall i think it is a less serious map, with some nice aesthetics. i rate it probably about a 4.25/5 -Prussian Iron
Wow, this is the only siege type of map that I immediately think is great, and it is. The base in the middle looks like it is very easy to defend, but also extremely hard. The hornets/banshees as well as any other vehicle will make the map very fun and challenging. Just one question though, how do you make it so that the Guardian pillars can't kill you?
This looks....hectic. Hectic but good. Could use a little work on the inside of the base, like a little cover, just so that spawn camping does not become a problem. And by the way, i like the name, if its taken from Dune.
Reponse Response to Redpox, ablindguy, prussian iron- Yeah its from DUNE and yeah its hectic. Almost all Defender spawn points are in cover. We have played this with anywhere from 8 to 16 players and its an all out killfest but its well balanced. Trust me we Betaed this map for over a month. Also I should have credited xgamer for his towerless canvas map. Check it out at
well I've been waiting for someone to use the entire ground area of sandbox and make it work for a while now, I have to say your pics make it seen like your map does that but when I downloaded it I found that you need more scenery geomerged through out the whole plain.. That way the player doesn't feel isolated. But as i said it works good for vehicles.
I remember i somehow wound up in a party that was playing this once. I got in the hornet and did not die for an extremely long time. The base design is pretty cool but i agree that this is more of a casual map, the entire match was basically just a huge power weapon and vehicle explosion fest. Which is fine, it was fun.
Thanks for the feedback. Actually that was the plan till I hit the Item limit, but the original concept for the map holds up. When you have 10 players or more trust me you wont feel isolated. I made the spawns in the air and gave attackers 2 seconds of enhanced resistance to damage and active camo to give you a fighting chance on defender vehicles. Thanks
Whoa. The out of bounds features are definitely a plus, and it looks like a vehicle heaven! I also like the hornet landing pad :}
Yeah I think you and vorpal played on a beta version with me a while back. The Hornet (rocket) is the strongest vehicle and each side has one. Even the tanks will have trouble taking one down. I made them and other power vehicles/weapons spawn less frequently and I added the spartan to balance them out. but to really get the feel you need at least 10 players to really get the map balanced out oh and yeah its a huge power weapon and vehicle explosion fest. Thanks for trying it out. Hit me with more feed back I love it. MRX
really nice map, i think this is the first map were iv seen someone us basiclly the whole map. with some people, i really like Hornet landingpad. great forging also with the 4th to last picture with the chopper going though the, well i guess hole. you pretty much wasnt kidding when u said its a "big team battle map", lots of vehicles to have a blast with, seems like an awsome map for vehicle lovers. great job.
Thanks for the feedback man. If you like that chopper jump try dropping agrav lift at the top of the big hill behind the base and get a running start on it. It will put you in over the wall and surprise the defenders gaurding the flag.
Great map!! i personally love big team, vehicle heavy maps, so this looks great to me. the hornet helicopter pad is definately a hit, with good reason. 4.5/5
im not sure if this might be a problem, but in between the attackers bases you have some fairly large open spots, wouldnt it be easy in a big team game to just hide behind a dune and never be found? anyways, the overall idea is good and the fort in the center is very impressive. 4.5/5
Oh for the wide open spaces. We could all use some extra breathing room. It would seem like during game play that might be a problem especially if its just a couple of players. Check out this clip. It's a continuous flying shot of a 14 player battle. From spawn you are scrambling. Bungie Pro Video SIETCH 1 FLAG CLIP
looks pretty sweet, the gameplay looks hectic but addictive from your screenshots, it really grabbed my attention. how many players is this designed for? it looks almost like a btb map, but i cant tell. and also, did you get the name for this map from the dune series? just wondering but yeah.
First of all thanks. Yes it's BTB, and yes all thats missing is giant worm that poop addictive halucinogens.
This looks great and it looks like non-stop fun, and i really liked that you made a picture pointing out where everything is. Some of the placment looks a bit messy but that doesnt change gameplay! Good job.
Messy!?!?!?!? Messy? messy? How dare you sir! All weapon placements were betaed and balanced for a large group of players. Messy. BTW thanks for the comment and enjoy.