siege the castle

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by fud4fatboY, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Forerunner

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    hey guys its been awhile since ive done anything on froge hub and i am very sorry about that... but ive been working on something with my friends lately and i would like to show you all it. but first lets talk about the map. welll first off i got second place in the contest for mr pokephile so thats good. also i made my older version a lot better. the map is a castle map and is compatible with capture the flag.

    mr pokephiles contest
    Template Contest 1 Wrap-Up - YouTube

    siege the castle overview
    halo maps: siege the castle-overview - YouTube

    siege the castle commentary
    halo maps: siege the castle commentary - YouTube

    hope you like the videos and hopefully you will subscirbe for more videos, watch more or get the word out. that would be very nice i guess hahahah, enjoy the map
  2. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    I liked the medievil theme to the map. The aestethics of the map is pretty good but it'll be good with Team Slayer, Assault, Territorys and Invasion. I don't know why you put it as Capture The Flag only? I'm not saying it's bad and everything but there's one thing that make me download this map, It's better than one of my friend's castle map. You've done a great job of making this map. - EpICx ReMiX XD
  3. fud4fatboY

    fud4fatboY Forerunner

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    ok ill see what i can do. also i will be making another (better map because i will have 10000 budget) for castle maps but for invasion

    Edited by merge:

    videos are now in HD and i have a really great mini game map coming up this tuesday. heres some info: two sides on the halo ball gametype. one side is falcons (balls) and the other is defending. the map has skyscrapers like new alexandria. also i will provide a how to for forging real nice aestheticly pleasing skyscrapers. so check us out, we are retirement gaming industries on youtube.
    #3 fud4fatboY, Feb 25, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2012

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