Siege Engine 8-12 Players Supports all Gamtypes Siege Engine- My first Foundry map in a long time and I couldn't be any more happier with the results from it. The gameplay is simple with only the large room of foundry showing, It is great for a both symmetrical and asymmetrical battle. Lets look at a screenshot to see what I mean: The whole map is in a similarity to this picture. Below are specs on what has been placed on the map to be followed by pictures. Weapons- Battle Rifle X5 SMG X4 Mauler X2 Needler X2 Shotgun X1 Energy Sword X1 Rocket Launcher X1 Sniper Rifle X1 Equipment- Plasma Grenades X4 Spike Grenades X4 Regenerator X2 Bubble Shield X2 Power Drain X1 Vehicles- Mongoose X2 Pictures- Right View of Map Red base Blue Base Inside a Base Rocket+Shotgun Spawn+Mancannons to Sniper Spawn & Teleporter up to Bridge Sniper Spawn Map Border Teleporter on Bridge Top of a Base Bubble Sheild+Battle Rifle Spawn Power Drain+Sword Spawn Recap- Forging=+5 Interlocking-=+5 [COLOR=Silver]Balance=[COLOR=Lime]+3 [COLOR=Silver]Originality=[COLOR=Lime]+4[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR]17/20 Download Here
From the second pic, I can already see an easy way to break out of the map. Anyone with a little grenade jumping skill can easily hop over the wall and out of the intended play area. Fix this is with death teleporters at the top of that wall, remove grenades from the map entirely, or make the wall taller. Other than that, this map looks pretty good. Not a whole lot of interlocking I can see, but interlocking is never a requirement. I can't really DL this because my map packs don't seem to work properly with one another. One day I go into the Forge lobby and I'm missing the Heroic and Legendary packs and Cold Storage. The next day they're available, but Mythic maps are lost. I don't know what's up, but it might just be me. Again, this map looks pretty solid, but is not without its flaws. Take each person's suggestions seriously, no matter how silly they may seem in the beginning. They might just help you make this map feature-worthy. EDIT: After taking another look at the pics, I don't like the teleporters. Use teleporters only in locations that cannot be camped or blocked, and make them sender and receiver pairs only. Additionally, do not put a receiver in a base that links with a sender in the middle of the battlefield. Also, avoid 2-way pairs like the Black Death. Only use 2-way pairs for minigame purposes or quick travel when Forging, especially on large maps. Delete them after you finish the map. Larger networks of teleporters are ok, but only in networks that move players across vast distances and keep each team on their toes, so to speak. The default teleporters in Avalanche are a good example of this.
breakable, in pictures 1 and 8 it is very easy to break out of the map highten those wall, other then that this map is pretty good, also with the sword you have to jump to get in there this will slow the play getting to the sword. I know the oversheild and cemo are the base colour but they seem to low i bet 2 players stack onto of each other then they can get it. In this map i dont think monngoses will go very well just how the map is set up, no one would want to use them cause they would be targeted straight away. Not many People use teleporters because people can camp right were there going to apear and the y get killed and because you get around the map to fast. The sniper spawn Your LOS( line of sight) is to much you can see the whole map and people woulld just get killed to easy. This map is really good but has to be improved 3/5 at this time And Fillmore roy it's just glitch in the sever it happens to me all the time ill tell you how to fix that. first when it does that go to custom games and check if they are there, if not go back to matchmaking and you will have your conection and party options keep aplying these random things then the game will have a slight pase then it should workalso in this picture there is 1 telporter does this on go to the other one in the middle or the ones in the bases
it looks like the camo and os can be reached with a simple grenade jump merge those with a wall or box and itll be fun. also you can get out in one spot. another thing this map has an original layout many tunnels and walkways and a lot of cover. the only thing is i have seen bases exactly like that b4 but it doesnt matter really just saying overall a very original map but it could be a little neater: for example: little things like putting mancannons underneath walls. its little things like this that make a great map. and if you fix these this map will be even better
This map seems to have many flaws. It looks like it is very easy to escape the map and hide on the outside. It looks like you dont even need to use a grenade to jump over the wall. I suggest making walls much taller so it is impossible to jump out. You can easily grab the powerups that are floating above the bases, you should just get rid of them, make them higher up, or interlock them into the base ( you can merge a box with an OS/Camo) It also looks kinda messy, the teleporter with the shield door seems pretty unnecessary, take out the shield door and make the box a bit neater. There are tons of power weapons: Sniper, shotgun, rockets, sword, 2 maulers. If it were a 3v3, everyone could have a power weapon. I would take out some weapons and add more basic weapons so that gameplay isnt a bunch of rockets power weapons. The bridge in the top-middle area looks kinda bland in my opinion, it has nothing fancy, its just a plain plank that stretches across the map, try adding cover or making it look nicer. Also: why did you rate your own map at the bottom? If it is your opinion of it, well of course you are going to give it a good rating because you made it. Because most of your ratings are all 5 stars.... Heres my opinion and why: Forging- 3 there are a lot of missing areas, low walls, low powerups and a ton of things can be easily done to exploit gameplay, there are a lot of improvements that need to be done. Interlocking-2 It only looks like you interlocked where it was needed instead of interlocking where it could have made the map much neater and different, most structures are uninterlocked blocks sitting upon eachother. Balance-2 There are way too many power weapons everywhere and once a team dies, another team will have 6 power weapons which can be used to annihilate the other team countless amounts of times. Originality-2 There are tons of maps like this, it's layout looks very similar to maps in MLG like onslaught. And most of the structures are pretty basic, there is nothing in this map that I and most other people have never seen before.
Balance-will be edited Interlocking- was only used where needed and either way, the map is neat so don't judge me over that without downloading. Really all original default Bungie map used absolutely no interlocking and did they turn out good? Yes Originality-Foundry is hard to make different but I see your point Forging-If anyone would enjoy helping me edit the map and make the border walls better and such, please be my guest because I used all the money in the structures This is why I don't like making maps on foundry because in sandbox its easy, in foundry, everything needs to be perfect and that is absolutely awful. I will make a V2 and try to take your opinions but it seems to me that all foundry maps are tooken to seriously so don't be surprised if this is the last of my foundry maps.
listen to all people viewing this thread this map needs alot of work and i mean alot fix the spawns because they wer not good at all the of the map is not origanal and was done on the noobiest forgers first map. the map can also be easily escaped as in the second pic with a grenade jump or just use that pallet.
My point exactly. No more foundry maps. Sory but this is way to much of a big deal to everyone so im done with foundry for while
Just saying, there's only one Bungie default map that actually uses interlocking objects, and that's foundry. And default foundry isn't that great anyway. Your map looks like it has room for improvement, but it looks pretty solid to me. The biggest issue I see is the abundance of teleporters and shield doors. Teleporters+shield doors+many close range power weapons all lead to campers in those open boxes. I'd remove the shield doors and either have the receiver nodes in the air or have a grav lift to push people away from receiver. Overall, 3.5/5 for me. If you made the changes, though, I would bump my rating up to a 4/5 or 4.5/5