Alright, so in short, I've been planning this map since right after foundry came out. For a large number of reasons, it couldn't work out. Once Sandbox came out this was one of my first priority. I spent an hour on the Rocket entrance alone (and I still didn't get it right).Anyway, It is nearing completion, It just needs to be walled in and have a few touch ups. Weapon revision will be easy and spawn placement should be as well. This is an overview of the map. The Rocket tunnel is at the bottom, the bass on the left and right, The main courtyard in the middle, and the side-step courtyard on top. The sword tunnel is embedded in the map and cannot be seen. The middle courtyard; Testing will determine if the mongoose is kept, but chances are it will not be. The rocket tunnel middle entrance is on the right side. The staircase leading up to the upper courtyards over look is on the left. Depending on the item limit at the end, this may be removed. The sidestep courtyard. The sword tunnel middle entrance is on the left. The red side-step courtyard entrance is on the right. If the intercourtyard area is kept, a teleporter will be added farther on the right, out of view of the picture. Finally, the blue side main hall. It's almost impossible to tell, but on the left you can see that the wall does not have another wall after it; this is the entrance to the main objective room.Farther down the hall is the teleporter to the Rocket hall. A little farther to the right are ramps leading up to the sniper spawn that can be seen in the second picture. On the right is the sword tunnel entrance. It looks really nice, but I didn't have the space to take another picture. Alright, post any opinions here, if you want to see the map in person for more constructive criticism or forging help, either send me a message or comment here. Im on pretty often, so I'll probably respond within a few hours.
Hey, sorry this hasn't gotten any comments yet. Here, at least you'll have one. Anyways, the map looks small, but well forged. There are no huge bumps and everything looks interloxed nicely--especially the sniper bunker in the second picture. Also, you said you spent an hour on the rocket spawn but you don't even show it ( could we please get a picture ) All in all the map looks like a solid small team slayer map and I will more than likley dl when it is released. Keep up the good work no matter what. EDIT: oh wait nevermind i missed that 1 paragraph, the rocketz r to the right in the second picture sorry for being a loser and skipping that paragraph my b
Most of my maps don't get much more than 1 comment anyway, but thanks for commenting. I was hoping for it to be compatible with objective game-types, however I'm not sure how well such a small map would be for this. Plus the use of the mongoose would make it incredibly easy to achieve the objective. If I did do something like that, the scores would probably be moved from 3 to 5 points to win. Thanks for your input and the comment.
This looks very fun, I'd love to test if I am online when you do. Also, I will make you a video if I can. I'm overrun with videos to do now.
Sounds good, though I probably won't be working on it for a while. I have about 45 objects left and still need to wall it in and place spawns.
Great, I can actually attempt to do my videos now. Well, I'm waiting for this map. I really hope you finish it!