My favorite jump is the very last one. No hints or spoilers, just watch
Oh my God, you're good. I've seen this >9000 times. Yes, they are good, and most of them have Recon for inventing "jump tactics." If HLG was a kid, GaryXUK would be a daddy xD.
Its good, but unless your playing custom games and have 4x overshield its not really worth it. I'd be willing to bet i could jump far if i was invincible and had rockets, brute shots, and grenades.
I, personally, would like to see these jumps pulled of during a matchmaking game and tutorials on how to do them. I was very impressed with this video, it was jaw dropping, but I would like to know how to do them, and if I can do them in matchmaking or not
If the gravity is the same then many of these can be useful in matchmaking. There are some without rockets that wouldnt require different settings such as shields
Oh and I just wanna put it on record. I DID NOT MAKE THIS HAHA. (I definetely wanna try that final jump on narrows though.)