Club epic was removed for stupid reasons and once again the forge hubs **** rules have gone out of their way to infract me and remove my map. That is the last ****ing straw so I'm done with fh if you want to see my maps just check out you tube where most of my work is featured other peoples channels. I apoligize to the fans who look on fh for my work and suggest other means of locating great maps.
Stupid reasons being that the map breaks the site rules? Sorry, I love your maps, but the rules are there for a reason. If you can't create a map that lies within them, then it probably isn't worth posting in the first place.
Yes it doesn't help us if you don't say what it got removed for. If you modded then you deserved it, read the rules.
One of his map previews a month or two ago was locked and wiped due to modded content. Another one of his maps in the mini games section was locked but I guess Nibbles was too lazy to delete the links to modded content. Can we please lock this thread for advertising his modded content?
YOu told us why the other maps were removed/locked. Why was this one removed? Was the map itself modded or was there a bad bad link...?
Since you want to air everything out for the public to see, let's get started then, shall we? 1) You received a WARNING. A yellow card that earns you no points against your profile, and is simply trying to get you to adhere to the rules. In your case, your thumbnail didn't actually show your map, so it was removed. You're a member of the community by having a profile; if you dont adhere to the rules you agreed to when signing up there will be consequences. 2) You've been infracted before; you should know the rules, and therefore should've received an infraction instead. 3) YOUR MAP WASNT REMOVED. 4) This is not the place to ***** about your problems with the staff. You either try and settle it with the mod in question, or ask a staff member higher up about your situation. Now, if you STILL feel like you're being oppressed by us "forge hub nazis", then by allmeans, never visit the site again. But making whiny threads like these dont fly. LOCK.