Shutdown is a fast paced 1v1 map somewhat inspired by Sword Base. It's supposed to feel like a powerless space shuttle drifting in space or something. Walkthrough: Halo: Reach Forge Map: Shutdown - YouTube Not up for download, but any feedback is welcome just from the video. Edit: Why won't the video embed? -.- Edit 2: Got it!
Looks awesome erupt, that video was all it took to get me interested. I love the dark/purple and you used pieces to nicely contrast it. White and black colors. That little corridor up to plas is sweet, and definitely reminds me of sword base, but better. Keep up the good work.
I like the center, it looks very different. Same with the banked areas around the map and the duct you go in just after the man cannon. 1 question: can you use the middle jump pad to go anywhere else?
You can go anywhere around the middle room, minus the high vent where the plasma spawns. It's basically like the middle lift on Sword Base. And thanks Paints. I spent a lot of time on object usage trying to use darker objects so when I did use the white (Window Col. trim, 3x1 in the middle) it really stuck out.
Even if you did take inspiration from Swordbase, I would keep that to myself if I was you. Haven't played it yet, so I can't leave feedback.
Design seems really interesting and it looks attractive, but I'm not a fan of so many tight spaces. It seems like 'nades would be a huge problem on this map.
Yeah, that was a problem I minorly tended to when rebuilding it. It's better that it was at first now and the gametype spawns you with 1, then there is 1 plasma and 1 frag on the map. So it's not quite as bad as you'd think Gametype also changes movement settings a bit and makes Custom a Dmg Amp. Also, Sword Base is awesome.
so many good maps, with the worst choice of FX... Anyways I like the center, but that tunnel thing seems a bit campable
The concept is pretty interesting, but I didnt like the FX in the map. Purple is just Mainstream, by the way, you need to explore the color pallete a bit more. And I do not believe this is your final intention with this map layout, maybe try to take it away. I loved your styled "Neon" feel, that's cool for Slayer maps.
You just couldn't live without Scimitar, could ya? Anyway, contrary to what Xzamplez said, there's really nothing wrong with citing a map's inspiration. I didn't really see much Sword Base influence in the video anyway, but whatever. The map looks cool, and the mix of verticallity and sightlines feels somewhat unique. I didn't really get the vibe of being in a ghost ship or whatever from the video, so if you have the opportunity to expand on the theme a bit more, you should take it. Anyway, send me an invite sometime so I can get a better look/play a few games.
Looks sexy as ****. I remember tryna help you with this like...Idk how many days ago.. Make a version w/o the FX, though. You've come a long way as a forger, and I always like seeing what you come up with. Don't stop forging, please. Show me this next time I'm on. Edit: Purp FX too mainstream? The ****?
This is why you're way better at forging than me. I'm sure anyone could agree. Looks different from anything you've done before, so it's nice you're doing something new. Hope to get a game on it with you
Erupt, I wish i could tell you what i thought of the game play, but your connection is terrible. The map does look like it will play a fast paced 1v1, which I am a fan of.
Super sexy, Erupt. I would test this with you if you needed it. You would also beat me probobly so if you wan to boost your self esteem... there you go. Cant say much more without playing
Heheaha Not very much, accurately... XD Like, you could combine some more effects in the FX pallete instead to get it by just Purple. But that drastically alters the player's view on the map, so I can advise you to try not use FX and make some amazing clean concept. Or you can continue with some more FX and change the theme for the map a little bit.
Wouldn't go as far as to say "way". OT: the disc in the bottom of the central atrium is broken, Waldo. Remove it.
I think he's trying to say that people will see this map as a cliche because it uses the purple FX and that Erupt should experiment with different FX to make the map stand out among others. I must disagree. The maps looks fantastic. I can see the Sword Base inspiration with the overhanging ledges and vent, but I don't see the space shuttle theme. Still beautiful nonetheless.