Sandbox Shroomz Crypt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by MaxSterling, Apr 13, 2009.

  1. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Map Title: SHROOMZ CRYPT
    ( would be Shroomz Tomb if the word "tomb" wasn't blammed out... )
    A map to be feared...

    Download Shroomz Crypt Map
    Download Shroomz Crypt2 ( with Juicy and Old Time FX ) Map
    Download "The Mummy" Game Type

    Description: Archaeologists uncover a new pyramid believed to be the burial
    place of the Ancient God, PurpleMushroomz. He was a powerful God
    and his legions of midgets ruled Egypt. The pyramid is believed
    to be guarded by Lord Shroomz himself. The arcaeologists send in
    a small armed force to check out the tomb and to clear out any
    possible "inhabitants" so that the treasures can be had.

    This map is my first attempt at posting something that I felt
    was worthy. There was very little merging done on this map. The
    layout is supposed to be the interior of a pyramid after
    thousands of years. I felt the gaps in the stones and walls
    only added to that old pyramid "feel".

    This map not only has what is shown in the images below, but
    also boasts a few "traps" as well as a vast "vent/tunnel" system
    for both the humans and zombies. There are tons of small hiding
    places in which you can try to hold off zombies or try to
    assassinate someone.

    This map was created as an infection map, but I have set it up
    for other gametypes with two teams.

    Map overview

    Alpha Zombie ( The Mummy ) spawns here.

    Humans ( Treasure Hunters ) spawn (respawn) here.
    Zombies respawn on the other side of the shield door/ window slots.
    Humans have their own path(s) to follow.
    Zombies immediately have access to their vent/tunnel system which takes them to 3 locations on the map.

    Face to face with The Mummy down a long corridor.

    Invisibility Altar

    An overshield and BR, hmmm...

    The atrium... leads to various parts of the lower level. That's a grav lift on the altar... what could that be used for?

    Found a use for the grav lift... hidden invisibility powerup!

    The tomb room of God PurpleMushroomz ( the red room )

    The treasure room! ( the blue room )

    Temple Room

    Battle Rifle - 7?
    Rocket Launcher - 2
    Brute Shot - 2
    Fuel Rod Gun - 2
    Missile Pod - 2
    Covenant Carbine - 2
    Flame Thrower - 1
    Spartan Laser - 1
    Gravity Hammer - 1
    Mauler - 1
    SMG - 1
    Needler - 2

    Plasma Grenades - 8
    Bubble Shield - 2
    Power Drain - 2
    Grav Lift - 3
    Regenerator - 2

    Power Ups
    Overshield - 1
    Active Came - 3
    Custom PowerUp - 1

    Special Thanks to :
    Devinish, Cosmic Rick & UC Gollum for the OLN Canvas map
    BlackJack and POL Ducttape for testing the map and checking for holes to get out of the map.

    Okay... as requested, more images from the map/game.

    This is a map directory.

    Here is a view of the human spawn area showing the main entrance into the tomb, which is a drop of about two wall heights. Zombies can get in here with two jumps or one grav hammer jump.

    This is the hidden passage in the human spawn room leading to the tunnel system. This is a shortcut to the red room, blue room, and atrium... all on the lower level.

    This is a view of the stairwell after you drop down the human main entrance, the bottom of the stairs leads to the hallway with the overshield trap and room with the invisibility altar trap.

    Here's both traps being set off.

    This is the stairwell at the end of that hallway leading to the lower level.

    Here is the zombie spawn room, with a zombie heading town the first tunnel... which leads to the stairwell.

    This is a zombie heading down the second tunnel... which drops down into the temple room.

    Just call this zombie, Handi-man... dee dee dee.

    zombie home run... into the upper deck!

    The third zombie tunnel drops down behind the invisibility altar.

    This zombie found the way into the human tunnel above the altar in the atrium.

    I love picking up the custom powerup and cleaning out the tunnel system...

    They eventually caught up with me during my escape down the tunnel to the blue room.

    One zombie sets off a third trap and lives... the other zombie wasn't so lucky.
    #1 MaxSterling, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2009
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    On and off since the map pack came out for sale. I actually restarted it a few times because I didn't like how it was turning out and I kept reaching the item limit, so I had to rethink how I would build it.
  3. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool map 4/5 keep working on gt coz it looks like alot of fun
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, it's just difficult getting enough people online with the Mythic Map pack to test it out.
  5. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    For this probably being one of your first maps it looks like a hell of fun.
    I just want to know what weapons are in the treasure room.
    Also maybe Zombie Traits.
    Were the custom power up is located.
  6. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is the best zombie map on snadbox so far! honestly! great job! 5/5

    when's the gametype coming out?
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    In order to maximize the glitched canvas I used and allow the max number of items on the map, I kept all the default weapons on the map. The rocket launchers, brute shots, fuel rod guns, and missile pods, along with a grav lift and active camo are all in the treasure room.

    The tomb room has the spartan laser, grav hammer, flame thrower, custom powerup and regenerators. My thoughts were that this was the room of "power and regeneration" with the mummy's sarcophagus and the room is his source of strength.

    Here are my thoughts so far...
    Alpha zombie ( the mummy ) will be sluggish ( 50% speed ) but powerful ( not invincible ). Probably 500-1000% health with 4X overshields. I want the energy drain to serve a purpose and take away the mummy's power.

    All zombies will be armed with grav hammers and swords. They will also have low gravity so they can jump/jump and grav hammer into the human vents and prevent them from hiding untouched. Since they can't pickup items, this will be their only means into some chambers. My thoughts on regular zombies are quick and powerful, kinda like the undead guards in The Mummy.

    I made the zombie vents/tunnels higher and more difficult to get into to prevent spawn killing which is common place for infection game types. With gravity set at 100 for humans, it took two grav lifts or a grav lift with grav hammer to reach the top.

    I'm also toying with team spawning so that the zombies come in groups and make it more difficult to fight off without teamwork.

    Humans will have limited ammo as well... and most likely start off with a shotgun/magnum combination.

    I'm anti-camping down long hallways, so I want zombies to take at least a couple of hits before dying... just gotta figure out their health settings and damage settings to make it all work.

    Custom powerup will feature instant kill and active camo along with unlimited ammo, but last only for 30 seconds and respawns every two minutes.
  8. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I have a rough draft in my file share... just gotta get online with some friends with the map pack in order to test it out. It's tough to figure out the best settings without a decent sized group. I played with one other person, but I have "last man settings" which boosts his health, speed, jumping and slight increase in damage given, but will have no shields... so his health will be limited.

    1 vs 1 on this map is pretty difficult to figure out ideal settings.

    This map can also be used for two-team territories, king of the hill, and oddball with the 5 rooms being a zone. This map is only set up to support game types with two teams.

    Play tested last night with between 8-13 people last night. The biggest complaint people have is that they're not familiar with the map and start getting frustrated.

    "The Mummy" Game Settings...

    Number of Rounds : 5
    Time Limit : 7 minutes
    Friendly Fire/Betrayal Booting : Disabled
    Initial zombie count : 1
    Next Zombie : Random

    Alpha Zombie Traits :
    Damage Resistance : 500%
    Shield Multiplier : 4X Overshields
    Shield Recharge Rate : 100%
    Shield Vampirism : 10% Leech
    Immune to Headshots : Enabled
    Starting Weapons : Gravity Hammer and Energy Sword
    Damage Modifier : 200%
    No Grenades or Weapon Pickup
    Infinite Ammo
    Player Speed : 50% ( slow, but not boringly slow )
    Player Gravity : 50% ( Grav Hammer jump into human vent system easily )
    Motion Tracker Mode : Normal @ 75 Meters
    Forced Color : Purple ( for God PurpleMushroomz )

    Zombie Traits :
    Damage Resistance : 150%
    Shield Multiplier : No shields or recharge
    Shield Vampirism : 10% Leech
    Immune to Headshots : No
    Starting Weapons : Energy Sword and Gravity Hammer
    No Grenades or Weapon Pickup
    Infinite Ammo
    Player Speed : 200% ( strike fast, strike hard )
    Player Gravity : 50% ( Grav Hammer jump into human vent system easily )
    Motion Tracker Mode : Normal @ 25 Meters
    Forced Color : Gold ( for Royal Guards )

    Base Player Traits :
    100% Damage Resisitance and Shield Recharge Rate with Normal Shields
    No Vampirism or Immunity to Headshots
    Starting Weapons : Magnum and Shotgun
    Damage Modifier : 110%
    Infinite Ammo : Disabled
    Grenade Count : start with 2 frag grenades
    Weapon Pickup : Enabled
    Player Speed : 110%
    Player Gravity : 100% ( you'll need to work to get back into the vent system )
    Motion Tracker Mode : Normal @ 10 Meters

    Last Man Traits :
    Damage Resistance : 500%
    No Shields/Recharge Rate/Vampirism/Immunity to Headshots ( whatever you have left for health is it! )
    Damage Modifier : 150% ( normal zombies should be just about 1 hit kills now )
    You can still pickup weapons, but you don't regenerate grenades and your ammo is still limited.
    Player Speed : 200% - Player Gravity : 50% ( you now move like a normal zombie. )
    Motion Tracker Mode : Enhanced @ 10 Meters
    Waypoint is now visible to everyone.

    Custom Powerup Traits :
    Duration : 30 seconds
    Your health, shields all stay the same
    Damage Modifier : Instant Kill
    Infinite Ammo & Weapon Pickup : Enabled ( if you're the zombie and get the powerup, you can pickup items/weapons )
    Player Speed : 200% - Player Gravity : 50% ( boost for the humans and alpha zombie )
    Motion Tracker Mode : Enhanced @ 75 Meters
    Active Camo : Good Camo + No Waypoint ( helps if you're the last man standing! )

    Respawn Settings :
    Synchronize with Team : Enabled
    Duration : 2 seconds
    Shield Multiplier : 4x Overshields
    Recharge Rate : 200%
    Immune to Headshots : Enabled
    Damage Modifier : Instant Kill
    Infinite Ammo : Enabled
    Player Speed : 300%
    Waypoint : Visible to Everyone
    These settings set up to prevent spawn killing.

    Scoring :
    Zombie Kill Points : 1
    Infection Points : 2
    These settings allow active zombies to outscore humans.

    When we tested these setting last night, the game lasted 7 minutes once out of 10 games. People were trying to camp in the human spawn area and human vent systems, but were usually outsmarted pretty quickly. One person alone will usually not be able to take out the alpha zombie in a face to face battle without moving around a lot or an energy drain.
    #8 MaxSterling, Apr 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2009
  9. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wait, so is the new gametype the same as the rough draft? Becvause I downloaded the "rough draft" version off your fileshare, and I always use that one. Is there any changes?
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I fiddled around with the new game type just a little bit. I think the rough draft had humans with Damage at 150% and maybe a few other odds and ends which I slightly adjusted.
  11. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Really like the idea behind this map. I always love maps that use tunnels and little ways to get around maps easier.
    I wish you had some more screenshots of the map, I can't get an idea of what everything looks like.
  12. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great for infection. I can't wait to play this and discover some hiding spots. 5/5.
  13. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll see if I still have a video of the test games and get some screen shots.

    Thanks for the comment. Hoping that I can get more feedback on the map.
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    lmfao... at least I know how to make a post correctly and didn't get both of my threads closed due to idiocy. Go pout someplace else and learn to come up with something original. You obviously have a reading disorder since I stated in my correctly posted thread that it was not merged...
    Reading is fundamental...

    Thanks for bumping my old thread, too.
  15. CAT6 BlackFire

    CAT6 BlackFire Ancient
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    This map does look really fun to play. I usually don't download any building maps on sandbox because there are so many and most of them are the same gameplay but this one looks really good.
    The only improvement I can say is that some of your walls/ floors dont look to straight. Maybe fix those things in a V2.
    But other than that it looks really good, 4.5/5

    I know you tried to do some of that to give a realistic feel but I think that if you fixed it up a little it would make smoother gameplay.
    #15 CAT6 BlackFire, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I doubt there will be a V2. This map was the first thing that came to mind when I got sandbox... crypt with traps. I built it and got that out of my system. My main focus was to try to make sure that most of the floors could be run across without needing to jump. I think at least 90% of the map adheres to that. I have too many other ideas running through my mind to stay focused on just one map after I release it. Building this map was a learning experience on some of the pieces and to give me some kind of idea as to how many pieces I could have on a map and which pieces can be moved. This map has run it's course for me... but it somehow still has some people downloading it. I usually try to make games that break from the normal infection games... your typical rape zombies at their spawn points or one shot kills. That's why I made two separate tunnel systems and it's nearly impossible for humans to get to the zombie spawn point.
    #16 MaxSterling, May 12, 2009
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  17. ZzZagrebZz

    ZzZagrebZz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There was very little merging done on this map. The
    layout is supposed to be the interior of a pyra mid after
    thousands of years. I felt the gaps in the stones and walls
    only added to that old pyramid "feel".

    You could have merged and made the map neater and still have that so called "feel" every time I play I always have to jump every 5 second to stay on the same floor. very sloppy map 2/5
  18. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Pyramids are made from giant stone blocks... not smooth walls. If you honestly think that after thousands of years stone will be level, you're an idiot. Hell... my sidewalk isn't even level after a couple of years. Cement and concrete are lucky to survive 100 years. You should seriously think before you post.

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