A signature pic i threw together in ps and am very happy of the result. PLEASE comment of your thoughts (likes, dislikes, things for improvement, it's awesomeness, anyhting...) to let me know what i did right, and in turn, what needs editing. sorry the title was supposed to be, "Shredded's bad-ass sig"
It's to big. Max size is 500x200 I don't like the glow and the render stands out too much. Everything in it is random and none go together except that they are green. The black blob is icky and I don't like the halo render.
You can change the title... As for the sig...it's ok... The effects and composition aren't that great though... How much experience do you have in Photoshop?
Wel...You is missing a arm I think. Pretty good bullet hole, and good text. The background is okay too. But I don't like it that much, but thats me. But good Job though!