Showdown This is an arena map I made a while back. With help from hassanq (HarisSales1996), we managed to fix it up quite a bit. This map now supports Team Slayer, KoTH, Territories, Oddball, and Assault. Each team starts in their own armory, then they will choose their weapons and take the teleporter into the arena and battle the other team. If there are three or four teams, the third/fourth team will be spectators and can watch battles from one of four viewing areas. Assault: Each team takes their bomb from their armory and plants it in the middle of the arena. Team Oddball: Each team loads up and heads to the arena to pick up the ball in the center. Territories: Each team grabs weapons, enters the arena, and captures the four territories. King of the Hill: Each team selects their weapons and enters the arena to take control of the hill. Overview Armory (one for each team) Viewing Area For Territories... (one not shown in pic) Download Showdown
You need pictures in your post or this thread will be locked in 24 hrs. Good luck dawg And btw you need a download link! How are we sposed to play it?
Sorry hass, I rrreeeeaaalllly wanted to make sure we had the right map variant posted. I was afraid you would give me the wrong version. I did some editing on it today, fixing spawns.....
The map thread is in compliance with the map posting standards. Just a warning to everyone. A substantive post in the map forums includes, but is not limited to, knowledge of the map and explaining what you liked about the map when you played it. Please take note, you MUST play the map before posting. For map creators this means your post must have a decent amount of text that amounts to over more than one sentence. One sentence replies are very much frowned upon. Thank you for your time.