Map Title: Show Crash Download Map Show Crash Main Description So here it is,I always wanted a chance to post this on forgehub,and here it is. Although There are two concert stages made so far here,(or more).Anyway this took me and my friend Tien102 about 1 hour to make this,and we wanted to make this stage as realistic as possible,and I'll tell you all about it. Ticket Booth What you probably expected was a ticket booth,and here it is.But you were probably expecting to walk up and give the ticket,but this time you have to drive up and give it,good for lazy people.Also an entrance to the booth from the side so you can take the tickets,here's some photos. Vehicles Entrance to Booth The Booth Parking Lot Well,there's not much to explain about the parking lot,scince I didn't get a pic for the parking lot yet,I'll tell you this.There are a few barriers that you can park your mongoose where you desire.And there's a shield door that blocks vehicles,but not you.So go through it and there you are,in the tour. Suvineirs Who would want a concert without suvineirs,nobody.Just go up there and pick your cool suvineirs that you will cherish.They have equipment on weapon holders telling you which shop is which,so it helps.Here's a photo. Suvineir Shops Seats and Camera Crew Balconys Not much concerts have seats,but you can stand if you want.So relax and watch the show,or stand up and go wild and cheer for your favorite band.Also if you look right beside those stairs that brings you to the camera crew balcony,that's where you come out of from the parking lot.Here's a photo. Seats and Camera Crew Balcony The Stage The grandaddy of this map,the concert stage.What it has on it is: Magnum=Mic Sniper=Guitar Br=Bass And in the middle there's the drum set.Here's some photos. View of Stage 1 View of Stage 2 Backstage 1337,a backstage!So there's two dressing rooms and one mirror.So slap on some makeup and costumes.Also there's a rehersal stage in the back where you can practice before you can go on stage,that's awesome.And the little room in the corner of the second pic is a room for the band manager *cough*MC*...exuse me.So this is the last topic of this map.Here's some photos. Rooms and Mirror Rehersal Room Map by: xTSOx Hangman and Tien102 Pics by: Tex Hope you like the map! Please comment and rate!
You couldve given it a 3/5,and look around the map some more,i interlocked a lil bit.And your're mostly supposed to use interlock if you need to.
Looks cool, this would be cool for like a Machinima thing, I could imagine RvB dong something like this, great map!
great job on the working out of every possible thing, i mean, a ticket booth ffs! 5/5 i loved it "pics by: Tex" muahah thanks for the cred ;-)
your welcome,that dude named qc is pwning or whatever sent me a message saying my map sucks,suggestions?
lolz, he sent a message saying your map sucks...ouch...what a flamer...anyways, it does need some cleaning up, but i dont think that dude understands this is in aesthetic, its not like it was meant to be played on, you made a really good resemblance of a theater, why does he need to flame? anyways, i think that if you were to interlock a little more, and maybe line some things up a little better, he would not be being such a douche
nah,hes a trainee,so he doesnt get it much,so he can shut up and everyone else would understand,exept him
lets stop talking about him now,we shouldnt be,but he should learn his lesson not to say a map ''sucks'' but atleast say not that good,but that doesnt mean go ahead and say it qc
Good creativity and thoroughness with the concept. Emo Asian Girl did something like this, but it wasn't quite as developed as this one. Her stage however, was a work of art. I'd go check her map out and see what you can learn from her. Good job with avoiding the interlocking, it still looks FABULOUS!
Interlocking would've made it a little better, but I hate when people think interlocking is EVERYTHING! This map looks great with out interlocking, great idea, great format, the stages look pretty good, especially the drums Looks good for a map made in 1 hour.