Weapon Appearance? For Example: Weapon: DMR Attachment: ACOG Scope Color Schematic: Dark Red w/ Black Yeah sounds like Call of Duty, but let me say this: The attachments will not affect gameplay at all.
wow, most flammable post i have seen in a while but.. no. I don't think it would be possible. Think of a multi-team match with custom armor with comstomised map objects, with a bunch of different colors everywhere At any given point there might be 50 "physically active" weapons on the ground; All of which can be picked up and used and dropped just as quickly.. Halo reach is a detail *****. The artist did a wonderful job filling in every pixel with vibrant mind-dazing color. Every animation is smooth and life like.. The world feels "loose" dusty and dirty, every step is a puff of dust.. you get the point. Basically when it comes to visual details, Reach has got it made.. Just think of all the details they put in the game but most off all, think of the systems it takes to manage all these details.. I think armor stuff might be made in the future, though adding another system to the visuals entirely seems very impossible.. Besides we already have enough "stuff" in reach.. I think they should focus on fixing the things we already have before adding more stuff.. (disregard the noble map pack for a minute)...
Ok, I hate how threads are allways getting double posted, its so annoying, lets make this the main one eh? From my post in the duplicate thread. NO too blatant a copy of CoD and its supposed to be military issue that you pick up on the run, so, no means of custimization. Plus most of the time your standard weapons will be dropped quickly, and you have to deal with how the game would recognize how the same weapons are different, just too much to add. Plus, not possible without the release of a new game. And 100% agreeing with what Jupiter said, focus on FIXING before adding (you can call noble map pack fixing, because of our beginning lack of maps.)
No to that. NO, NO, NOOOO. too many snipers I do however think it'd be awesome to choose which weapon your spartan is holding when someone in your friends list/postgame looks at it
NO absolutly not...it would be too much like call of duty. Not that i have anything against call of duty but Halo is meant to be like a proper military situation so all the euipment is standard issue. However i do agree with IH8YourGamerTag on the fact that you should be able to choose what gun your spartan is holding.
First let's get bungie to give us the beam rifle, SMG and Covenant Carbine back. Then they can fix all the gametype settings. And after that maybe the betrayal booting system... Do you see where I'm going here?
Woah woah woah wrong order there, Betrayal booting should be first, because that's probably something they could even do without a TU, then Gametype settings, and then beam rifle (carbine would not work well in Reach, and SMG is only useful as a dual wield.)
uhhh yeah the carbine role is basically filled by the needle rifle, no? fires the same way and everything. I miss the SMG occasionally, but only because i preferred it to the assault rifle. I don't think they'll bring back the beam rifle. the betrayal booting system needs to be top priority. btw we've gone completely off topic lol
Exactly its like when people compare the DMR with the BR, its a different weapon, and is in the same class as the BR. And we've gone off topic cuz, well, the origional topic wasn't that good to begin with, lol
I don't care what order those were in, the point is that there are much bigger problems with the game. And I seriously want to punch anyone who says the Covenant carbine is the same as the needle rifle. There's something called firecap.
He says fills the role, nothing in any previous Halo game is the same as in Reach, except for sniper pretty much. The Covy Carbine was the covy mid-range weapon in H3, and the Needle rifle is the covy mid-range weapon in Reach. Same goes with the BR/DMR. Basically if they were to update and put the carbine in, they'd pretty much have to put the BR back in, and they just don't fit into the gameplay of Halo: REACH
I'm really tired of everyone talking about how broken it is. I can really only name maybe 2-3 legitimate problems... ever since the beta, and then launch day, I've just been of the opinion that reach is a little bit harder than any other halo game. Multiplayer is harder, I went back to halo 3 last weekend to play with some friends that haven't purchased reach. Not having armor abilities makes it much less chaotic gameplay. The health system is also different than the shields in h3. When grenades are near you should high tail it in the opposite direction, like with actual grenades. If you only see a player face to face, you don't know what AA they have until they use it (jet pack the solo exception).Its just a different environment, there are more variables now in player interaction. Campaign, IMO, is also more difficult- solo legendary on Reach has been way more difficult and frustrating than h3. My only problems are with betrayal booting and some of the commendations cheats (flawless cowboy). Also the LAG when drop ships show up in firefight