should we wear uniforms to school? why or why not? About 6 years ago a student died of a gun shot the guns were hidden in baggy clothes on what the student is wearing
Hell no! I think people have the right to wear almost anything they want to school. I would hate the fact of wearing a uniform to school.
I think this debate only relates to certain areas. Where I live, we don't have many gangs and if we do, they aren't too noticeable. I live in Washington State, and the only places I've heard about gangs around here are in Seattle. Uniforms would be pointless where I live because nobody wears anything gang related to school.
I don't believe in uniforms, but I'm completely in favor of dress codes. No one likes a **** besides the desperate.
In a private school i understand. Can you imagin a kid walking into a jewish private school with a shirt saying "jesus loves us!" In a public school... no sure im all for dress codes because can you imagin a guy walking into a public school dressed like a girl. but on the other hand if a kid wants to wear a shirt saying something like "school sux" or "you r b noobz i rulezorz". Then so be it!
I think your logic for this debate is off. Let me give you an example: during Ronald Reagan's presidency, his press secretary was shot in the head with during a failed assassination attempt. After the assassination attempt, Reagan's cabinet lobbied for a more stricter gun control and eventually passed the Brady Bill. My point is, should the masses be responsible for the misactions of the few?
I would have to agree with Domi. A dress code should be enough, having school uniforms kind of goes a little beyond. But then there's the question of what kind of schools are you talking about?
I think uniforms are the devil unless only the hot chicks have to wear them, and they are invisible... But dress codes are really important, but I see a certain level of unfairness in dress codes. Like last year they said on the announcements something like no one is allowed to wear a coat in schoo (understandable), but then they said that LADIES can have small purses and all the guys were like WTF? why we no get small purses?
And then there's the dress code of sagging...pull your ****ing pants up. And at my school when girls wear skirts they can't be higher then their fingers when put to the side.
I don't really mind. Individualism is like saying their is originality. All the kids you usually see in schools usually conform to their clique. If you don't care, then you're probably not a conformist, unless you conform to me. I believe that dress code should be enforced though. I dun want haz to see teh gerpes...
yeah that's at my school. Our dress code isn't that bad really. We have to wear a school polo shirt in a solid color. The only thing that sucks about that is you had to buy like 6 or 7 shirts for $30 each. And we have to wear any pants except jeans, camo or athletic shorts. It's really not that bad because we're allowed to wear those plaid shorts which I wear all the time anyway. Also no coats/hoodies during school hours. This is my first year at this school (freshie!) and I thought it was going to suck having a dress code but the shirts are more comfortable than T-shirts and the pants are whatever. The only thing I hate is no hoodies. =( Oh well. As long as a dress code doesn't suck like a suit and tie or something like that, dress codes aren't that bad.
I don't have to wear uniform (I go to college), but sometimes I wish I did: "Eww, you wore that jumper yesterday! You must stink of ****!" "Why the hell are you wearing that you ****ing ******" The judgments that are passed outweigh the freedom factor, trust me.
Our school has a uniform. I don't mind it. The majority of this thread is filled with immaturity and irrational thinking. I feel like posting something really long but I can't be bothered. QTF. It takes away some individuality and doesn't give the opportunity to group people based merely on their wealth and clothing choice.
I hate school uniforms. All it does is generalize a lot of people to a school. If school tells us to express our individuality then why the hell is everyone being forced to wear the same thing.
I've lived in places that have uniforms and some that don't Uniforms: To get to the point, it takes away a kids individuality and originality. Also, Some kids can learn better when they are comfortable and many aren't when they are wearing uniforms. Someone said that you can't judge people on wealth with uniforms. WRONG. you can by how clean they are, how new they are, and what brand they are. Kids will always find ways. You probably will look much better. Non uniforms.: Feel more comfortable. people can show who they really are. You don't get bored with the same colors every day. Makes some of the potheads look creepy. and yeah you could hide something in your clothes but you could with uniforms. Although I think leggings that girls wear(stockings that go waist down I guess, wear them like pants) should get banned. seriously, girls in my school are so slutty. They always wear leggings and no other pants or skirts so it makes their butt stick out so much. Its like they are trying to get people to stare at it. quite funny
And the occasional Shedo. But why does everyone seem to bring up this long, and drawn out debate. No one really cares about what the people wear. Sure it can make people inferior to their peers but they should not be so self-conscious.
I unfortunately go to a heavy gang infested school with at least five different gangs vying for control of the school. We naturally have to wear uniforms in school to help make sure things don't get out of hand. Along with that we have police always around and metal detectors at all school functions and random checks at any given time. Although all I am saying right now may seem off-topic I am just trying to set the tone of what is going on. I actually prefer wearing the uniform everyday has it saves so much time getting ready and picking out cloths. Along with that I don't have to worry about what I'm wearing and no one cares what you wear. So, there is naturally a feel of not caring of what you are wearing or of what social class you are in. Also, I really don't want to walk into school and see different gang colors getting flashed around like it's money. Anyway, if I wear any colors besides white people will most likely think I'm in a gang. My school may seem dangerous but it's in fact the safest school in the city compared to the other schools. Despite what we have to wear as a uniform; I wish I could wear what the Japanese High School boys wear... which is this: Well, I guess I could wear this in school except I just have to find where I can buy it. I'm pretty sure this is allowed in school. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the few Asian girls wearing this: What? It's unnatural not to like something like this. Especially if your Asian and you like Asian girls in uniform like this. lol.