Should there be a playlist that features user made maps? I think there should be a playlist of this sort. This gives people a look at other people's maps. Selecting the maps be up to a bungie crew. It would almost be like bungie favorites but the maps are acually in a playlist. What do you think of this idea?
yes there should but there would be a fuss about bungie never giving the "joe" player a chance and only going for the big time forgers
That true but if the player really wanted it, they would put a lot of effort in to it and try as hard as they can. Even if there is a big fuss, so what. Its not going to impact the game.
The information we have now speculates that they are going to have a playlist like this. However there will be standards like no copyright names, no UBGlitch, no graphics intensive weapons such as flame grenades, fuel rods, sentinel beams probably, and other stuff.
It should be something like, you have a map uploaded onto a certain slot in your Fileshare, with a gametype in another certain spot on your Fileshare, and then you enter a game with people who need the same amount of players, and then the games last untill everyones map has been played. But it wouldnt work well no matter what.
First of all, I'm not sure if this is the right forum. Maybe the halo discussion area would be better. But IMO it would be a great playlist for bungie to add if they could find a way to do it without pissing off all the people who are god awful forgers, but believe that their map should be in the platlist as well as some of the featured maps here at forge hub. Because if they let Them in, then the people who actualy take time, and put effort into their maps would be offended. So granted, a custum maps, and custom games playlist, would be great, No matter how it's executed by bungie, It's going to piss someone off. So why bother?
If that happened there should be a complete ranking system overhaul. The matchmaking would stay the same but allow you to rank up separately in custom and social gametypes. Therefore people w/o xbox live can feel accomplishment in there own right amongst their friends. Also a custom games ranking system can introduce "clans" even though bungie specifically left them out in this installment.
I thought that there was already a featured map section. I saw it. Look in the forums and look for the featured maps word.
I don't think a playlist should be devoted for just user-created content. That would fail epicly. You would never know what map you were going to get. I do think that some user created maps are good enough to be put into normal MM playlists. Of course this is not up too the community, but bungie only.
Nonononononono. He meant a Matchmaking playlist in Halo 3. Everyone knows about the custom maps section on the forums, But we're talking matchmaking.
Yah, they should check out that Bad Posture map by that Bloumbas kid aesthenics are pretty cool I could has recon? jk, i could care less, i dont even play halo But a user made playlist would be tight, they would have to be de best de la best
Yes! Halo 3 would be so much better with that! It gets boring playing default maps. I woult like to see forgehub maps in match making! Bungie should really consider this.
Yea featured Forgehub maps but not user maps. The amount of chaotic dumb maps that would come up would be pointless to play. Plus cheaters might arise in this particular playlist. They would set up a map where only they know where the stash of all the power weapons are and leave everyone else with an AR. Many will do that if they know they will get +exp and +Highest skill. So, no. Forgehub maps (featured) only.
If there were to be such a playlist, it must be examined to be 100% cheat proof and 200% awesome, even though some of the Bungie ones are not. Bungie would have to be extremely careful. It would have to be a collaborative effort between Bungie and Forgehub.