So tell me, what's this debate about again? Is it Christianity? Because, you know, I thought it was about teenagers having religious freedom (generally).
Thanks for pointing that out. That's changed, kind of wrote this on Sunday (I think) so some things didn't come out right.
Yep, that was definitly rude of me... could you please at least stay on topic? Thanks for the help and whatever, it was an accident and now I corrected it.
You didn't even bother to quote me seperately, OR highlight your text, OR use ANYTHING to tell your statements apart from mine.. At all! I'm not going to reply to that crap ONLY because it takes too much time. ..And Rabid, you're going way off topic, first of all. Secondly, I'm not going to discuss things with you if you're going to throw around words about religions and people like some sort of ball. Thirdly, I'm here to discuss things with elite, not you. You're just fumbling the matter around without showing much respect for it. Therefore, I don't have much respect for you.
Nice try: Good for you. Sure, talk the talk, but can you walk it? No Im a cripple Yea Let's continue asking anonymous questions, shall we? Or did you have a point to this.. Then we are equals so to speak. You can't claim I am rebellious when you say all teens are. You are one so we all are rebellious, correct? I have no conclusion at this point. No, I don't want religion to be discussed with anonymous kids who may feel they know more than they think. There's no credit behind each person on this site, besides the best forged map they've made. There's no proof of education, age, etc.. You can't discuss .. ANYTHING with this type of crowd. I don't care about this opinion. If you feel this way, you should have left the God thread a lot earlier. So your just an idiot at this point My point was that kids move out. Yea, parents have an effect on kids, but kids move on. They go to school, military, etc. It's not like the parents are the only influence on a kid. Yes, but this kid and millions of others won't move out. How is this person going to do any of these things when the parents hold them back? IS THIS THE PARENTS' RIGHT?!?!? They should be followed, and chances are, the parents usually knows what's best. It's a good thing to decide on your own, and to question different people, including your parents. That's what the teenage years are generally all about. What about the millions of kids that were descibed in that paragraph? The parents usually know what's right? No, you think so because you want me to continue to be on the same boat as me, being brainwashed by false facts that are generally bullshit. My whole point is that you should follow your parents when you're a kid.. BUT, once you start growing up, it's good to question your parents, but you shouldn't just stomp on in ignorance about every little thing someone does that you feel is abusive, instead, you should just discuss it in a good manner. Sure, that doesn't work immediately, but you'll get through it, soon enough. So, because the kid isn't "grown" up from age 2-15, he should never question the parents values BECAUSE he isn't grown up yet? (this is exactly what I can infer) Cool, that makes stealing and vandalism as a 6 year old quite acceptable. In some ways I will, and most ways, I won't. Again, you should question what they have to say, but you should be asking other, credible opinions from people you at least know. That's your opinion. It already been disregarded for so long. I think that this should be ignored. Asking strangers gets a more valid argument than talking to ignorant people such as my brother ( who threatens to punch me in the face every time I mentioned this argument ). My friends all discussed this with me, but I haven't metioned anything to my cousins, aunts and uncles. It wouldn't help anyways. So I concluded I could bring the debate here. Get over it. I hope you never get guardian or admin status because you would have locked the argumnet down a long time ago. God hates wrongfully prideful people, not proud people. That's not what my religion says. So your wrong >_< Please don't make things personal. "Shut up! I will make the social aspects of my old religion known. If my religion promotes me to tell off your proudness, then I will. This is what I learned." Obviously you want me to embrace this. All right, I will continue to do this erico. Besides, there are more terrible things out there. That's the conclusion the colonists came to. Yet, they still traveled into the unknown. I honestly think you don't like to read. You don't pick out meaning, just words, then turn around and use them against me. I always read the whole response and then respond. You sadden me... I dunno. I'll post a link to the God thread in the OP. But the discussion hasnt strayed too far off of the teenage rights debate. Though I am a little suprised the Constitution hasn't been brought into the debate.
Eh. We're kids. According to adults, we can't consciously make good decisions because of that. So what? We let them make decisions for us?
Okay, from now on you have to quote. I hate having to divide each separate post. Are you trying to avoid my post, or are you actually a cripple...? Okay, but you are rebelling religion... so that has to say something to an effect. Good point, it still doesn't mean you shouldn't. Are you saying you aren't going to college, you will never get married and/or move to an apartment/home of some sort away from your parents, you will never join the military, and that your parents will be alive just as long as you are...? If so, I'm rather awe-struck. First, let's not just talk about religion, which is what I'm assuming you're talking about, but rather every point of knowledge a parent has to offer for their kid. Second, I'm saying the parents usually know what's best because they normally have had a lot of experiences to backup their actions. There's no other second "message" I'm indirectly trying to send you. Last, you still go to school, right? You go to camps, right? You sleep over at friends' houses, right? You do activities outside of your guardian's house, right? You aren't stuck with your parents. There are many 3rd parties you can relate to, including friends, relatives, etc. No, that's the exact opposite of what I said. I said it's good to question your parents, but you shouldn't think you're always right about everything. Okay, good theories, but they aren't well supported. Your brother isn't technically an outside, credible source. I'd think your friends would be pretty good for this type of thing, but asking strangers is like asking for directions in the middle of night. You don't know what's going to happen. Okay... Your "religion" is saying you shouldn't be proud of an A+, you shouldn't be proud of having kids of your own, and that you shouldn't be proud of any achievement. Once again, you don't have any way to back up this "my religion says.." statement and it isn't very clear imo. Your inferences about how I want you to act are based off, well.. nothing. I read the whole response of a part of your entire response so that I can respond on every one of your points in the most clear way.
So somehow the fact that I don't have some random respect for your religion makes my points less valid? I'm not going to show respect for something just because you get angry at me if I don't. I'm going to show respect for something if it deserves respect. Religion does not. Religion deserves to analyzed just like any other belief people hold. Just because that sort of analysis reveals bad things about your religion doesn't mean I shouldn't do it. It means you shouldn't believe it. I don't care if you respond to me anymore. From the fact that you are finding excuses to not respond to me it seems as if you understand the kind of bias that you held earlier and how you can't arbitrarily say what is right and what is wrong based on your personal opinions.
Question: Have you ever heard of being polite? It's a little thing you learn while growing up. You should try it sometime. There's nothing else to it, Rabid. Sometimes you analyze too much.
Introducing religion into a debate is like throwing kerosene onto a orphanage and lighting a match. Poor, poor debate. TBH, I think this thread should be shifted into "Do teenagers have rights?" or something like that.
But that's part of what I set on the table. Teenagers have limited rights. A lot aren't expressed so I can see that one aspect that I had trouble with was religion. That's just the way I was looking at it. I can't change the thread name, only the title.
technically, teenagers/minors dont have any rights at all. as long as it isn't criminal, a parent can really "force" you to do anything, and if you disobey, they can punish you, and if you resist, they can send you to military school.
I think we're mostly debating the morals of forcing your child to go to church. The legal obligations to obey your parents' whim is obvious...
Wow, that's irritating. Are you saying I'm not polite and that I don't respect people's values? Answer me this.
I have a strong feeling you wont like his response. Ontopic: Teenages have limited rights because they are still not adults and arguibly will need guidance to become mature/responsible adults. I don't think beliefs should be forced though onto them. Sometimes a child or teenager should be pushed into trying something but after trying something and still not likeing it they should not be forced to do what they do not like.
I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm not blindly insulting just because I can. I'm saying facts and analysis that are relevant to the discussion at hand. (The discussion at hand being how you can justify allowing your own beliefs to be spread but not those of someone else.)