Debate Should teenagers have the right to choose whether they go to church or not?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gollygeeanelite, Sep 15, 2009.

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  1. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    As somebody said above:

    The invisible pink unicorn that my I believe in tells me to kill kittens and any other small, cute animals. Is it OK to teach my children that?

    It also tells me that Christians are inferior people, are going to unicorn hell, and they do not deserve the same rights as the rest of us true Americans do. Can I teach them that?
    #61 RabidZergling, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  2. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    So it's just ATHEISTS that don't deserve opinions.

    Just because their his parents their view of the universe isn't objectively and irrevocably correct.

    Don't you mean "their kid" not "his kid". Didn't you mention is was your dad that "taught" you to be a Christian? Seems like a Freudian slip.

    It's making him unhappy. Yet they still want to convert him. They care more about their happiness (which consists of him being a Christian) than his (he wants to not go to church). You're such an idiot.

    So the Christian kid in my example should move out, but Gollygeeanelite should stay and have long talks with his parents about god.

  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Don't push words into my mouth.
    True, but they know him more than he may even know himself. Stop putting words in my mouth. Stop assuming.

    My point is that these kids should discuss the topic with their parents, or people they actually know because they can give this kid the best results, not anonymous people on the internet who are, for the most part, atheists.
    Yea, I meant their, instead of his. Nice job avoiding my point.
    What if they already know which perspective (in the long run) will produce more happiness?
    You have absolutely no evidence behind this statement. You have NONE, What. So. Ever.

    That's the whole reason someone in this case should speak to their parents about it.

    I say stop assuming for a reason, you know.
    I find it very amusing that you resort to name calling in a debate.
    You seem to misinterpret everything anyone has ever said, Scarecrow.

    My statement:
    "Kids move out of their parent's house, you know".

    It's stating how 95% of kids will eventually, whether it be college, military, marriage, etc., move out of their parents house.

    I was in no way saying he should move out at the age of... 14, or however old he is.

    Don't go on figuring if you don't know what to figure in the first place.

    If two parents have come to know all perspectives at the right maturity level and feel better about one perspective than another, then they should know what's best for their kid.

    If they're insane or something (the result being what you've stated above), they would most likely have already been exposed before having a kid.
    #63 Monolith, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  4. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I'm looking for a direct answer to both of those questions. We'll discuss the significance afterwards.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    If you want your kids to actually follow anything you say, you can't force it upon them. If the government told you that from now on, any car under 15 MpG were outlawed, people would revolt. But if you slip in a few suggestions about how cars with higher MpG ratings are better for them, and make incentives for them to use cars with higher MpG ratings, then they'll outlaw them for you of their own volition.
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    These two "questions" are full of pure acts of hatred and evil.

    In my opinion, no, it should not be told to kids.
  7. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    "The invisible pink unicorn that my I believe in tells me to kill kittens and any other small, cute animals. Is it OK to teach my children that?

    It also tells me that Christians are inferior people, are going to unicorn hell, and they do not deserve the same rights as the rest of us true Americans do."

    First of all, let me ask you why you get to decide what is evil or not. Sure, the way you were raised puts you up against that, but in other religions (or cults), it could be seen as a holy deed. Who are you to ban that? You have to either allow all forms of belief or allow none. You can't pick and choose.

    The second question, however, is modeled directly off modern Christian homophobia. Replace Christians with homosexuals and you have today's modern society. (Don't believe me, see Prop. 8 in California)
    You can't choose to allow Christianity, which in many cases is tied (through direct biblical quotations) to homophobia. This is often manifested through things like Prop 8., etc. How is that justified as a religious belief while disliking Christians is not?

    Anyways, bed time. 4 days until ODST :)
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I don't...
    So you're saying, in other religions or cults, it's a holy deed to, quote, "kill kittens and any other small, cute animals" and also to say that, quote, "Christians are inferior people, are going to unicorn hell, and they do not deserve the same rights as the rest of us true Americans do".

    First of all, why would these acts be holy?
    Secondly, you said, "religions (or cults)" which would mean you're saying I should allow all forms of beliefs from a cult...
    Thirdly, what do you mean "allow all forms of belief". How can I "allow" a belief in a world with over 6,706,993,152 people on it?

    Should I be laughing, or crying?
    How would replacing Christians with homosexuals be the outcome of modern society? ... That makes zero sense to me.
    The word "Christians" is tied to "homophobia"?
    I didn't know Christians were afraid of homosexuals.
    Because disliking Christians wouldn't mean you're religious. It would mean you're anti-religious.
    12 days until ODST for me... :(
    #68 Monolith, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  9. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    They were told to do these acts by a divine force.
  10. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Because its unicorn-iness demands it of us, and by eliminating creatures deemed "eye-blights", we secure our place in the evergreen meadow, where we will become one with unicorn god and his many unicorn brethren. Duh.

    To some cultures, Christianity may be seen as a cult. Parent's having the free reign to teach thier kids anything means anything.

    Let's see.. don't oppose/ be open to/ don't discriminate against.

    Replacing "Christians" with "Homosexuals."

    This is modern society. Legal homosexual discrimination. Prop 8.

    So a religion that that refers to Christians as inferior people is wrong, but a religion that refers to homosexuals as inferior people you're perfectly O.K with?

    That's not biased. That's not biased at all.

    Homophobia is defined as an "irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals", or individuals perceived to be homosexual; it is also defined as "unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality", "fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men", as well as "behavior based on such a feeling".

    Semantics will not save you ER1C0. It's in the Christians doctrine that gays should die. So tell me, why can't my religion incite hatred and discrimination when yours does?

    Is the fact you're a Christian warping your sense of right and wrong?

    Anti-Christian. It would make you Anti-Christian. Christianity: It's not the only gorram religion.

    I await your explanation on how discrimination against homosexuals and discrimination against Christians are ENTIRELY different.
    #70 Transhuman Plus, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  11. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    All right, lets get started...

    I'm 15 and 7 months Erico.

    I am satisfied. Are you a teen? I feel that maybe you don't want religion to be discussed in this manner because it offends you. I have heard what my parents have to say. I do not, however, believe that is right. As this debate goes on, people are dropping the religious aspect and are moving on to other teenager concerns.

    I have one. Someone at one point of the discussion said parents should always be listened to. I obviously disagree. But another psychological aspect I want to bring to this thread is the nurturing part that makes us have our values. This example goes as follows:

    A boy lives in the broken area of a city. His neighborhood is affected by crime and several people have been killed in the past year alone. This boy is raised by two parents. They both believe that he shouldn't worry too much about school and grades don't matter too much. They often tell him to take what's rightfully his and promote his destructive behavior. This boy listens to his parents well."

    He is honoring and not disrespecting his parents. In no way is he harming someone, and he is doing what is right in his parents view. Is this right at all? Do these things that brake the golden rule qualify as right because the child follows the parents guidance?

    I don't completely agree that parents should have no say in what teenagers do. However, to say that all rules from parents should be followed as long as they don't cause harm to others is a tough debate.

    To have religious freedom as a teenager is a great thing. However, all of what parents say isn't good. I know plenty of people who follow the values as described for the boy. Some of these people do all of these things.

    I've put up with enough bullshit that someones "personal" religion is the only right one. I've had enough with that Erico. For 12 years the church has influenced me. If they tried this long, then they're losing. I am mature, mature enough to make decisions for myself, to take responsibility of my actions when I stay up until 12 doing AP homework for 3 classes. Don't generalize this. AND YOU DIDN'T SAY SOME, or a few. So therefore you can't make that well of a counterarguement. Please don't.

    God hates proud people. I learned this in Sunday School. I advise that you take that out of your bio before you go to hell. God wants people to be humble.

    Yet again, theses values that I hear in church are still carried with me, and though I disagree with many, this Social aspect has to be the exception.
    #71 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  12. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    Could you please talk about religion in anyway without mentioning a stupid ****ing unicorn. I mean seriously, it doesn't prove any points or anything you may think it does about God or a deity. All it does is make you look stupid for talking about silly, childish unicorns. So for your own good, grow up.
  13. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Then why would you proclaim those acts to be evil? Couldn't they be beliefs, justified by a religious view similar to yours?

    Why shouldn't you allow cultic beliefs. They are just as justified to believe something as you are. Just because it may involve violence doesn't make it bad. Shouldn't cult followers be allowed to do what they think is right and pass that down to their children?
    What I'm asking is, what makes your belief special. They can believe that Christians are bad people, just like modern Christianity is closely linked to homophobia and attempts to stifle gay rights.

    Again, I cite prop. 8. A bill that removed the rights of gay couples to marry in California. The sole reason it was passed? Commercials reminding voters that homosexuality is against their religion, payed for the Christian religious organizations.
    No, it means that you're anti-christian. Just like many (not all) Christians are (in layman's terms) anti-homosexual.

    I'm not using it to prove a point. It's simply a very flexible metaphor that I can mold to any situation I need to use it in.
    #73 RabidZergling, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Good for you.

    Sure, talk the talk, but can you walk it?
    Let's continue asking anonymous questions, shall we? Or did you have a point to this..
    No, I don't want religion to be discussed with anonymous kids who may feel they know more than they think. There's no credit behind each person on this site, besides the best forged map they've made. There's no proof of education, age, etc.. You can't discuss .. ANYTHING with this type of crowd.

    My point was that kids move out. Yea, parents have an effect on kids, but kids move on. They go to school, military, etc. It's not like the parents are the only influence on a kid.
    They should be followed, and chances are, the parents usually knows what's best. It's a good thing to decide on your own, and to question different people, including your parents. That's what the teenage years are generally all about.
    My whole point is that you should follow your parents when you're a kid.. BUT, once you start growing up, it's good to question your parents, but you shouldn't just stomp on in ignorance about every little thing someone does that you feel is abusive, instead, you should just discuss it in a good manner.
    Sure, that doesn't work immediately, but you'll get through it, soon enough.
    In some ways I will, and most ways, I won't. Again, you should question what they have to say, but you should be asking other, credible opinions from people you at least know.

    God hates wrongfully prideful people, not proud people.

    Please don't make things personal.
    So stick with the social aspect. If you like the community, then go for it. You can't say everything about church is terrible, because there are much, MUCH more terrible things out there.
  15. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Your a teenager? Like what; 13, 14?
    At that age, your still well within your parents consent, and i don't agree with what they are doing, but they may just want to give you a good view on religion...
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    The act of mindless killing for your so-called "religion" is evil.
    Cult - a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.

    I shouldn't have to explain that.
    I can't exactly answer that in a simple, way.
    You really have to be shown.

    Let's not bring the God thread in here.
    Sole - being the only one; only: the sole living relative.

    I can't believe that was the one and only reason. Nothing in life is that simple.

    Let's not bring in the whole Gay Marriage thread in here.
    I am not anti-homosexual. I believe they are human beings just like any other person. Don't bring that up if it's just a generalization.

    Again, let's not get off topic.
    Just like how I used Julius Caesar as an example. Look how that turned out...

    You sir, are an intelligent person. Good job.
  17. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    They're just "human beings" that don't deserve equal treatment, right ER1C0?

    Explain to me how that is different from me (hypothetically) raising my kids to discriminate against and oppose the equal rights of Christians. Still acceptable?
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You have a keen ability to stuff words in people's mouths, Scarecrow.

    I think there's a border to sacredness, and when people think their views on religion are better than someone else's views on religion, without having some form of proof, then act upon them, then they're technically breaking that border.

    I could see how you might take that wrong, so I strongly insist that you don't reply to this, ONLY so that we might be able to talk about the actual topic at hand. Don't say anything else about it, or I'll report you.
    Edit: Okay, back.

    Opinions are opinions. I can't state what's morally correct or not without someone else's views getting in the way. I can only say how I think killing is evil and that anything, whether it be for religion or against, could be what you want for your kid.

    It's wrong when a parent encloses their kid with only one perspective. Otherwise, sure, go tell your kid that Christians are lower than yourself. Don't expect them to believe it 100% though... and no, I'm not saying it's right, but it's important that kids experience different things as they mature.
    #78 Monolith, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  19. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    GTFO troll.

    This is the last extended argument I will respond to. It took me 30 minutes to write this on an itouch. Yeah...
    #79 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009
  20. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    According to you. According to the believers it could be the only thing saving them from eternal damnation! Who are you to take that away? You can't just say that somethings, like Christianity's homophobia (which we will get to soon) are OK, but other things are not based on some arbitrary belief that you hold.

    Yes. Just because we consider them to be extremist doesn't mean they don't hold beliefs that are as justified as yours are.

    Your belief isn't special. If you believe it is, you are seeing the truth through a distorted lens. You hold an utmost belief in your religion, unwavering and strong, just as the member of any cult does (one could argue they have an even more powerful belief, considering the lengths they go to.)

    I live in California. I campaigned against it. I had numerous signs stuck outside my house by religious friends reading "YES on Prop. 8." I argued with them more than you would know. I'm confident that I know why it was passed better than you do.

    You aren't, but your religion is.

    I'm not using it as an example. I'm using it only as a framework for other arguments that require a metaphorical god to exist.
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